blisters deep inside watch skin


Introduction In patients with blistering, most of the clusters or scattered vesicles located deep in the epidermis will appear as normal skin color. After the blister breaks out, the mucus liquid will flow out. After a few days, the blister will absorb and dry the scaly, leaving the ring scales, consciously itching and burning sensation. If the disease lasts for a long time, it can cause dry skin, desquamation and thickening of the palm. If there is a secondary infection, pustules can form, inflammation is obvious, and severe cases can cause lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. The cause of this disease is not fully understood, and it is currently considered to be an important factor in the incidence of sweating herpes, such as sweating of the hands and feet, mental factors such as mental stress, excessive fatigue, and depression.



(1) Causes of the disease

The cause of this disease is not fully understood, and it is considered to be a non-specific skin eczema-like reaction. It is related to personal physique and autonomic dysfunction. Multi-factor body qi deficiency, spleen deficiency is not transported, then wet turbidity stop, and caused by the heat and evil cult poison. There are also mosquitoes, flea bites, or other pruritic skin diseases, which are caused by scratching and damage. Mental factors such as tension or depression may be the cause of the disease.

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is still unclear. More considered a non-specific skin eczema-like reaction.


an examination

Related inspection

Blood test for viral infection immunoassay

1. Occurs in the palm, fingertips, and the side of the finger. It is rare in the back of the hand and the sole of the foot. It often occurs symmetrically.

2. Suddenly, most of the clusters or scattered vesicles located deep in the epidermis have normal skin tone, and the mucous fluid flows out after the blister breaks. After a few days, the blister is absorbed, and the ring scaly remains after drying, consciously itching and burning sensation, such as illness It can cause dryness, desquamation and thickening of the palm skin for a long time. If there is a secondary infection, pustules can form, inflammation is obvious, and severe cases can cause lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.

3. Beginning in the late spring and early summer, the summer is aggravated, and it can heal itself in winter. Often coexisting with sweating of the hands and feet, repeated recurrent episodes every year.

4. More common in adolescents, can be reduced or self-healed after middle age.

According to seasonal recurrent episodes, symmetry occurs in the palm of the hand, and the damage is mostly blistering, and the peeling after drying is easy to diagnose.

TCM pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation: Chinese medicine believes that the disease is caused by spleen and stomach damp heat or wet evil impregnation.


Differential diagnosis

Need to be identified with the following diseases:

1. Swollen hand, foot and ankle: often have ankle and then handcuffs, mostly for the first side, inflammation is obvious, the boundary is clear, the toes can also be affected, the fungus is positive.

2. Sweat-type sputum rash: The blister is shallow, the blister wall is thin, and there is often active sputum disease. After the lesion is cured, it can be cured by itself, and the sputum test is positive.

3. Exfoliative keratosis: mainly manifested as exfoliation of the epidermis, regardless of the season, but also blisters, but no symptoms.

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