Facial headache that begins in the eye and spreads out


Introduction Autonimic faciocephalagia is also known as vasodilator headache syndrome. The pain starts at the eye, expands the cheek, and abuts the ear along the nose and teeth. Can not sleep because of vomiting, the pain lasts for hours to days. In acute and chronic intracranial inflammation, metabolic diseases, toxic diseases, brain trauma, post-seizure episodes, hypertensive encephalopathy, and a large number of cerebrovascular dilatation drugs may be associated with the disease. In addition, mental factors, triggering pain trigger points It can also cause the disease.



Mental stimulation: If mental stimulation is likely to cause supraorbital neuralgia, not all stimuli will cause the disease to occur. The most important cause of supraorbital neuralgia is mental stimulation. Many patients have been suffering from emotions or moods. They are more and more eye-catching every day. Over time, they will have stagnation of the liver and anger, and the liver will be vigorous, which will induce the occurrence of supraorbital neuralgia.

Unprotected pain trigger point: supraorbital neuralgia is the trigger point for pain. The patient must protect the trigger point of the body. About 50% of the patients have multiple or one sensitive trigger points around the eyelid. If you don't pay attention, you will encounter it, which will cause painful episodes and involve the whole body. These trigger points are mostly in the lips, nose, face, mouth, tongue or corner of the eye, so the patient should try to protect the trigger point during the illness.


an examination

The pain starts at the eye, expands the cheek, and abuts the ear along the nose and teeth. Can not sleep because of vomiting, the pain lasts for hours to days.


Differential diagnosis

Starting from the eye, the differential diagnosis of the open face headache:

(a) Trigeminal neuralgia: typical facial pain. The pain is limited to the lightning-like lightning-like, rapid and severe pain in the trigeminal nerve distribution area. Each episode suddenly stops from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes, because of the trigger point of the upper and lower lips, nose, mouth, cheeks, tongue, etc. Induction, it can also be caused by movements such as jaw movements (such as chewing, talking), brushing, washing, shaving, and the like. Blocking trigeminal pain disappears.

(B) other atypical facial pain

1. vidian neuralgia: first reported by Vail in 1932. It is believed that pterygopalatine infection causes wing nerve stimulation or inflammation, so it is considered that pterygopalatine neuralgia is actually wing tube neuralgia. Adults, especially women, are more common. They are episodes of severe pain in the nose, face, eyes, ears, head, neck and shoulders. They are atypical side-sex episodes, which occur more often at night and do not occur due to external stimuli. With sinus inflammation, shallow feeling barrier-free.

2. Carotidynia: It is the pain that starts in the common carotid artery, the external carotid artery, and the maxillary artery. It is characterized by tenderness, swelling, and specific pulsation of one side of the common carotid artery. It is a periodic episode, mostly one-sided. Without visual impairment, no systemic symptoms, and may be associated with cranial arteritis when accompanied by systemic symptoms. 90% can heal naturally.

3. Sluder's syndrome, also known as facial headache, is an atypical facial pain of unknown cause. May be related to infection, vasomotor dysfunction, psychological factors, etc. It is characterized by pain on one side of the face, not exceeding the height of the auricle.

The pain starts at the eye, expands the cheek, and abuts the ear along the nose and teeth. Can not sleep because of vomiting, the pain lasts for hours to days.

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