physical obesity


Introduction Physiological obesity refers to a state in which fat is accumulated excessively due to the needs of the human body under normal physiological conditions. The incidence of obesity is still difficult to determine, and its incidence has increased rapidly as people's living standards continue to increase. Obesity can be seen at any age, more common in 40-50 years old, more women than men. The distribution of female fat is mainly in the abdomen, buttocks and limbs, and the male is mainly neck and trunk. Generally mild to moderate obesity has no obvious symptoms, but latent diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, osteoarthritis, gout, cholelithiasis, and low stress, can not resist various infections, can not tolerate anesthesia, surgery, etc. Many comorbidities. The treatment of obesity must adhere to strict diet management and exercise.



Due to the needs of the human body, the fat is accumulated in an excessive state. This type of obesity is beneficial to the body, such as obesity in infancy, obesity during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, individual special occupations also require more body fat accumulation, such as sumo wrestlers, weightlifters, etc.; only a few obese people, such as chest tightness, sweating, shortness of breath and other symptoms, endocrine and metabolic disorders, hyperinsulinemia, sugar Reduced tolerance, female infertility, amenorrhea, male impotence, fear of heat, sweating. But still belongs to the category of simple obesity.


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In fact, the above method is only a theoretical method of distinguishing them. It is difficult to measure them in clinical practice, and generally only distinguishes whether there is a pathological change. However, regardless of pathological obesity or non-pathological obesity, they can be transformed into each other. Further increase in physiological obesity will lead to pathological changes and become pathological obesity; on the contrary, after reasonable treatment, pathological obesity will continue to improve, and it can also become physiological obesity, gradually returning to normal constitution.


Differential diagnosis

Pathological obesity: Pathological obesity includes a wide range, but mainly refers to obesity caused by certain diseases, such as Cushing's syndrome, hyperthyroid obesity, etc. Simple obesity, such as the occurrence of more serious complications, means obesity. Has become pathological obesity.

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