

Introduction Caused directly by intense or sustained stressfulness. The main content of its clinical manifestations is closely related to trauma, accompanied by a corresponding emotional experience, which is easy to be understood. Once the pathogenic factors are eliminated or the environment changes, and the appropriate treatment, the mental state can return to normal. The pace of modern work or life is constantly accelerating to bring great pressure to people, feeling mentally paralyzed, and need to adjust their mentality or go to hospital for treatment. Proper adjustment of work and rest time, you need to set the time to exercise, often distracted, relax the nerves.



First, the mental factors: mental factors are the direct cause of the disease. Sharp mental stimuli are often events that scare patients or have a sense of coherence, such as fires, water, earthquakes, car accidents, sudden deaths of loved ones and wartime bombings, firearm threats, white-blade fighting, and so on. Sustained mental stress, persistent and heavy inner and contradictory emotional burdens, long-term isolation, etc. can also lead to excessive sorrow, loss and inner pain. The mental factors must have sufficient strength to cause the patient's strong nostalgic reaction, loss of self-control ability, and their behavior and thinking are subject to pathological emotions and present various mental symptoms and even disturbances of consciousness.

Second, personality characteristics: sensitive, suspicious, weak people are prone to disease.

Third, other factors: after severe illness, blue sky, chronic physical illness, excessive fatigue, and women's menstrual period, puerperium and other physical functions are weakened; the degree of internal conflict of patients and their psychological and social background (such as cultural education, hobbies) , desires, values, etc.); people with a history of family mental illness are susceptible to the disease.


an examination

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Although reactive depression is characterized by depression, depression, etc., it seems that it is difficult to distinguish from depression, but the emotional disorder of depression is more obvious, the sinful thoughts are more common, the inhibitory movement is more serious, and the patient lacks a psychogenic experience. The specific origin of depression is unclear and the environment cannot be alleviated. In addition, depression often has a similar history of seizures in the past, the age of the attack is late, and the early awakening is prominent, and there are periodic changes in the lightness of the night and loss of appetite and weight loss. The course of the disease can last for several months. The origin of depression in reactive depression has more specific and precise objects, events, and psychogenic experiences. It often tells others about their inner pain. The course of the disease is short, the environmental symptoms can be alleviated, and generally no recurrence.


Differential diagnosis

The symptoms of delirium need to be differentiated from the following symptoms:

Neurasthenia: It occurs in young adults. There are many mental workers. Patients with symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia, multiple dreams, fear of light, fear of sound, inattention, memory loss, fatigue and weakness, such as the elimination of mental factors or appropriate rest, the symptoms can be reduced or temporarily disappeared.

Depression: In mild depression, there may be dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, physical discomfort, etc., and depression, negative pessimism, lack of self-confidence and negative attitudes about their ability to work and health. There are morning and evening light rules.

Schizophrenia: Early manifestations of insomnia, headache, fatigue, lack of concentration, emotional instability, lack of enthusiasm for work. The ability to learn and work declines, and over time, the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia appear, and diagnosis can be made at this time.

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