Heat irritant hyperhidrosis of upper body


Introduction Upper body heat irritating hyperhidrosis refers to a disease in which the upper body is excessively secreted by sweat glands due to thermal stimulation, which is common in night sweats. Hyperhidrosis is a disease caused by excessive secretion of sweat glands due to excessive sympathetic stimulation. The sympathetic nerves dominate the body's sweating. Under normal circumstances, the sympathetic nerve regulates the body temperature by controlling sweating and cooling. However, sweating and facial flushing in patients with hyperhidrosis completely lost normal control. Excessive sweating and facial flushing make the patient feel helpless, anxious or panic every day.



Since the sweat glands in a certain part are not treated by certain factors, the sweat glands in the other part are compensated to maintain body temperature.


an examination

Related inspection

Delayed skin allergic skin test

The common diseases are as follows.


Secondary in the lower body of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, no sweat or sweating, modern compensatory hyperhidrosis.

(1) Upper body (torso-based) heat-stimulated hyperhidrosis, common with night sweats.

(2) facial and neck taste hyperhidrosis.

2. After sympathectomy, pathological and gustatory hyperhidrosis occurred after cervical and thoracic sympathectomy.

3. Night sweat, in addition to the above reasons can cause excessive sweat, but also due to cardiovascular endocarditis, lymphoma, hyperthyroidism, systemic vasculitis, pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, withdrawal reaction, autonomy Night sweats can occur in uncontrolled states and other chronic infectious diseases.

Diagnosis can be based on the characteristics of clinical manifestations.

There is currently no uniform diagnostic criteria for hyperhidrosis. In 2004, John Hornberger of the American Dermatological Association organized a collaborative group of more than 20 unit experts to develop a diagnostic reference standard.

No obvious cause can be confirmed by visible hyperglycemia in the naked eye for more than 6 months and meet the following conditions:

(1) Symmetrical bilateral sweating sites.

(2) At least once a week.

(3) The age of onset is less than 25 years old.

(4) Have a positive family history.

(5) No sweat during sleep.

(6) Affect daily work and life.

If accompanied by fever, night sweats, weight loss, attention should be paid to the possibility of secondary hyperhidrosis.


Differential diagnosis

Compensatory hyperhidrosis in the upper body: Because the sweat glands in a certain part are not treated by certain factors, the sweat glands in the other part are compensated to maintain body temperature.

Emotional hyperhidrosis: Emotional hyperhidrosis is caused by emotional stimulation, increased secretion of acetylcholine and hyperhidrosis, and cortical or emotional sweating after sexual stimulation is a special type.

Sympathetic nerve tension: Hyperhidrosis is a disease caused by excessive excitement of sympathetic nerves or high tension caused by excessive sweat glands. Sympathetic innervation dominates the body's sweating. Under normal circumstances, the sympathetic nerve regulates the body's body temperature by controlling sweating, but the patient's sweating and facial flushing completely lose normal control. Hyperhidrosis and facial flushing make the patient daily. In helplessness, anxiety or panic.

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