mental aging


Introduction Modern mental health science research points out that human appearance and physical function can become old and declining with age. This is a natural law that is difficult for humans to reverse. But the mind can't age, always feel youthful, energetic and confident. Let the elderly rejuvenate forever. It is a famous saying that the aging of the human body can not be controlled and changed, but the psychological aging of the human being can be self-regulated and controlled. This is the result of exerting subjective initiative and self-psychological health care. Feelings accelerate the physiological decline, the will is depressed, the disease is full of life, the life is lack of fun, it becomes small and inferior, and it does nothing, seriously jeopardizing the health and longevity of the elderly. This is a taboo for the elderly's self-psychological health care.



Some people are healthy and have no signs of serious illness and physical decline, but they feel old-fashioned, weak, weak, unskilled, slow-moving, old-fashioned, sullen, self-identified as a "waste" and family in society. Tired of. When faced with difficulties and unsatisfactory things in life, they feel insurmountable, powerless, burdened with thoughts, and precipitated in situations of failure and frustration. Lack of interest in life, indifference to people, near numbness, emptiness and boring. Interpersonal relationships are alienated, and they are living in isolation. Such people are often uncontested with the world, negatively treating life and the world, being indecisive, self-satisfied, doing nothing, and losing social responsibility.


an examination

Related inspection

Neurological examination of brain CT examination

Symptoms of mental aging:

Psychological aging and social aging are closely related and intertwined. The main manifestation of social aging is psychological aging. Some people think that psychological and social aging is the real aging, and even believe that psychological aging is the catalyst for death. Psychological aging has two manifestations: First, the aging of cognitive ability associated with physiological aging, such as the decline of sensory perception ability, the decline of memory ability. The decline in memory is mainly manifested in the easy forgetting of recent things, and the impressed things and knowledge skills of childhood or young adults are often remembered. In terms of cognition, the decline in thinking ability is the slowest. The elderly have rich knowledge and experience, so there are such sayings as "the old horse knows the way" and "the old man is calculating". Another manifestation of mental aging is social aging. The so-called social aging mainly refers to the decline of will associated with the change of social roles. For example, retreating from the original job and returning to the family from society, it is easy to produce the sense of loss of the end of life value, and even lost the belief in life, that "self is old", "not many days", "not far from death" "...

The main manifestations of aging in mental activity are:

Thinking activities become slow, memory declines, comprehension declines, the ability to accept new things and adapt to the new environment diminishes, and the ability to learn and think creatively diminishes.

Some people have even changed their personality: they have become narrow-minded, self-centered, lack of initiative, unwilling to change the status quo, stubbornness has been seen, emotions are common; some are also characterized by slow behavior and clumsy movements. Not coordinated, etc.

However, this change in mental aging is slow and varies from person to person. Although some people are old, their memory is still very good, and their thinking is still very agile, profound and energetic. Some people may just enter old age, their memory is not good, their thinking is slow, and their energy is insufficient.

Inferiority, often silent, unsociable, timid, sociable, lack of enthusiasm for life, less creative and enterprising; life is simple and casual, often waiting for death.

Suspicious, stubborn, obedient, and doubtful, often with a lot of unwarranted rules and regulations from my constraints. Some are prominently expressed as fear, fearing that there are flying disasters and their own, especially for their own diseases, often suspected of cancer as cancer.

Sensitive, narrow-minded, and heart-wrenching. They often quarrel with people because of small things, or they are worried about people and things they can't understand. Only my uniqueness is its characteristic.


Differential diagnosis

Mental aging and physical aging are not parallel. Because people's psychological aging is closely related to the brain, it is also related to many other factors, such as intra-body diseases, endocrine or metabolic diseases, infection, trauma, personal psychological characteristics and social psychological factors (including social environment and economy). Conditions, family relationships, interpersonal relationships, cultural accomplishments, etc. Therefore, mental aging and physical aging do not occur simultaneously, and the speed of mental aging and physical aging is also different. In general, the body age of the elderly is faster, and the mental aging rate is slower. Changes in the appearance of physical aging in the elderly (such as white hair, wrinkles on the skin and age spots) are more obvious, while the changes in mental aging are relatively insignificant compared to physical aging.

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