sleep hallucinations


Introduction Patients with squatting narcolepsy can fall asleep at any time, presenting a half-awake and half-sleeping situation at any time, often creating an illusion of falling asleep, dreaming of weird people, things, and things. When the patient is awake, whenever he is excited, laughing, or angry, he suddenly feels weak and falls. Sleepiness is a neurological sleep disorder that refers to a patient's unrestrained, paroxysmal short sleep during the day. Because of the problem of the function of the sleep arousal center in the brain stem of the patient, there are four major symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness, squatting, sleep paralysis, and hallucinations before going to sleep.



Excessive stress, too anxious, nervous, extremely tired, insomnia, lack of sleep, or sometimes poor.


an examination

Related inspection

Sleep test

Our sleep cycle is followed by a sleep period, a shallow sleep period, a deep sleep period, a deep sleep period, and finally a "quick eye movement period" (dream period). Sleep sputum is mainly caused by the early appearance of rapid eye movement, resulting in inconsistent coordination during the rapid eye movement phase. In fact, in the stage of rapid eye movement, the body is essentially in a state of rest, and the signal to the brain is temporarily interrupted. This is a defensive measure so that the human body does not realize the dream in real life, for example When you dream of hitting someone, you won't really take action and punch and kick the pillow.

When the nerves are paralyzed, the brain recovers from the rest of the sleep, and it is too late to reconnect with the body, causing people to half-sleep and half-awake. The dreams are intertwined with each other, resulting in an inconsistency between the body and the brain. At this time, the muscle tension of the whole body is the lowest, so it will cause you to want to get up, but you can't get up; you want to use force, but you can't make a force.


Differential diagnosis

Illusion refers to a real, vivid perception that is felt without the objective stimulus acting on the corresponding senses. In contrast, the illusion is a perception of a true external stimulus, but a reaction to error. Illusion is a kind of perceptual disorder, which is mainly divided into auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, magical touches, etc. The most common ones are auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations. Most of the hallucinations occur in a state of mental illness. Normal people sometimes appear when they are nervous, tired, or have a high fever.

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