lack of self-control


Introduction Impulsive personality disorder refers to the significant deviation of personality characteristics from normal, which makes patients form a unique behavioral pattern, adapts badly to the environment, often affects their social functions, and even conflicts with society, causing consequences for themselves or society. Personality disorders often begin in childhood and are shaped in youth. Continue to adulthood or life. Often there is a lack of self-control ability.



1. Physiological reasons

A large number of animal experiments and clinical data show that the aggressive behavior has its physiological basis. Some physiologists have suggested that the cerebellar maturation is delayed, the development of the neural pathways that transmit pleasure is blocked, and it is difficult to feel and experience pleasure and safety. It may be a factor in the occurrence of aggressive behavior. It has been reported that cerebral radio waves are abnormal in violent offenders, especially the slow wave activity and the sharp wave of the lobes, which is 2% in the general population and 14% in the aggressive personality. In addition, the aggressive behavior is also associated with excessive secretion of secretory glands and androgen in the human body.

2, psychological reasons

(1) The identity and aggression of the character. The boy who entered adolescence thought he had grown up, and he was particularly keen on the recognition and one-sided understanding of the male character, emphasizing the characteristics of the mans resoluteness, courage, loyalty, strength, and good attack. Therefore, they will be in front of their peers. Especially when there are opposite sexes, they show strong aggression to prove that white is already a man.

(2) Inferiority and compensation. Everyone can have an inferiority complex because of their physical condition, family origin, living conditions, and the nature of their work. People with low self-esteem often seek compensation for inferiority. When impulsive and aggressive are used as compensation methods, their behavior shows strong aggression.

(3) Self-esteem is frustrated. Young mens self-esteem is particularly strong, and if they are subjected to setbacks, they tend to be particularly sensitive and intense. Frustration is an important cause of aggression. The theory of "frustration attack" reminds us that everyone in life has more or less frustrations, so everyone is aggressive; the greater the setback, the more likely it is to be attacked and even used. violence.

3, family reasons

In general, aggression has a greater relationship with family education. Children who are loved by their parents tend to be too personally aware. If they are restricted, they will be easy to take "backlash". In authoritarian families, children are often beaten and their psychology is suppressed. Once the long-term depression of inner dissatisfaction breaks out, they tend to choose more. Intense behavior to vent their grievances. Moreover, "the seeds are melons, the beans are beans," and the children will imitate the parents' aggressive behavior.

4. Social reasons

Martial arts, murderous novels and movies make young people who lack analysis easy to imitate and identify. In addition, the concept of worry people who suffer from losses that is popular in society is also likely to cause young people to engage in aggressive behavior.


an examination

Related inspection

EEG examination of brain CT

1. The purpose of behavior is to obtain psychological satisfaction, not others.

2. These impulsive acts are often harmful to others and disadvantageous.

3, patients can recognize the harmfulness of their behavior, but it is difficult to control themselves, often many efforts have ended in failure.

4. Feel the growing tension and excitement before implementing this behavior until you start acting.

5. In the process of implementing this behavior, you will experience a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

6. After implementing this behavior, you will feel relieved and relaxed. Some people may feel regret, blame or sin, but this does not prevent recurrence.

7, often accompanied by a variety of personality disorders, depression or anxiety, and mental retardation.

8, the nervous system may have non-specific symptoms and signs.


Differential diagnosis

It is mainly related to the anti-social personality disorder. In addition to the impulsive nature, the latter often has behaviors that are ruthless and often violate social norms.

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