Slow blood flow to various organs throughout the body


Introduction As blood volume increases, blood viscosity increases, resulting in slow blood flow and tissue ischemia in various organs of the body. Polycythemia vera (PV) is a myeloproliferative disease characterized by clonal erythrocytosis. The clinical features are slow onset, long course of disease, red and purple skin mucosa, hepatosplenomegaly with vascular and nervous system symptoms, red blood cells increased, and whole blood volume increased, often accompanied by total white blood cells and thrombocytosis.



Myeloproliferation, mainly clonal erythrocytosis, increased blood volume and increased blood viscosity. Early symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, tinnitus, vertigo, forgetfulness and the like may occur. Severe double vision, blurred vision.


an examination

Related inspection

Hematocrit platelet count (PLT) erythropoietin hemoglobin

Diagnostic diagnostic criteria:

1, clinical: 1 more blood quality; 2 splenomegaly; 3 hypertension or thrombosis in the course of the disease.

2, laboratory inspection:

1 increased red blood cell capacity (male > 36ml / kg, female > 32 ml / kg. 51 Cr labeled red blood cell method);

2 arterial oxygen saturation 92%;

3 splenomegaly.

If only the above two are met, you must have any of the following two secondary diagnostic indicators: 1 leukocytosis; 2 thrombocytosis; 3 increased neutrophil alkaline phosphatase activity; 4 increased serum vitamin B12 (> 666 pmol / L ) or increased binding capacity of unsaturated vitamin Bl2 (>1628pmol/L).


Differential diagnosis

Slow blood flow in all organs of the body needs to be differentiated from the following symptoms:

Relative polycythemia: It is caused by a decrease in plasma volume and blood concentration, which causes erythrocytosis, which occurs in severe dehydration, extensive burns, and chronic adrenal insufficiency.

Secondary polycythemia: occurring in chronic hypoxic conditions, such as alpine habitat, emphysema and lung disease, congenital congenital heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, chronic rheumatic heart valve disease may also occur In renal diseases, such as renal cysts, renal hydronephrosis, renal artery stenosis, etc.; various tumors such as liver cancer, lung cancer, cerebellar hemangioblastoma, uterine leiomyoma, etc. can also be caused.

Stress erythrocytosis: caused by mental stress or spleen contraction after adrenaline, called stress erythrocytosis. Abnormal hemoglobin is shifted to the left by the oxygen ion affinity curve, and the hemoglobin affinity is increased by 4 to 6 times. In severe cases, tissue hypoxia and compensatory erythrocytosis can be caused. When a large amount of smoking causes carboxyhemoglobin to be as high as 4% or more, erythrocytosis can also occur.

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