Emotional cold


Introduction Recent studies have shown that prolonged stress can weaken the body's ability to resist the invasion of germs, making it easy for people to catch a cold and form a so-called cold body. The generation of emotional flu may be due to seasonal changes, but also from stress and negative emotions. When the body's long-term tension will weaken the body's ability to resist the invasion of bacteria, it will make people susceptible to colds and form a so-called cold body. The main cause of the rainy days is less closely related. There is a "third eye" between our eyes, medically known as the pineal gland, which secretes a melatonin. The secretion of melatonin is restricted by light. When irradiated with intense light, melatonin secretion is reduced; melatonin secretion is increased in dark light. When there are many melatonin in the human body, it will inhibit the hormones that are responsible for the activity and excitement of the human body, resulting in depression of the human body. On the contrary, people will be relatively excited. Women's own emotions are richer and more emotional than men, so they are more sensitive to seasonal changes.



The generation of emotional flu may be due to seasonal changes, but also from stress and negative emotions. When the body's long-term tension will weaken the body's ability to resist the invasion of bacteria, it will make people susceptible to colds and form a so-called cold body.

Emotional flu is more "preferential" office white-collar workers. They have been sitting indoors for a long time and lacked exercise. The work pressure at the year is large, and the mood is easy to be nervous. The diet is often not sophisticated, and thus lacks nutritional support. Coupled with the sudden drop in temperature and the cold, many people have developed into a serious cold disease. Correspondingly, discomfort such as cold, fever, cough and other symptoms will seriously affect the work efficiency and mood, and gradually form a vicious circle.

Many people refuse to take medicine because they are worried that taking cold medicine will cause side effects such as drowsiness. This is extremely wrong. If you have been caught in a cold, the first thing you should think of is to respond positively and treat it in time.


an examination

Related inspection

Viral infection immunoassay

According to the history, prevalence, symptoms and signs of nasopharynx inflammation, combined with peripheral blood and chest X-ray examination can make a clinical diagnosis. Bacterial culture and virus isolation, or virus serology, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hemagglutination inhibition test, etc., can determine the cause of diagnosis. If the above situation is not obvious, there may be an emotional cold.

Leukocytes are low and early neutrophils are slightly elevated. The total number of white blood cells and neutrophils in the combined bacterial infection can be increased.


For viral infections, the white blood cell count is normal or low, and the proportion of lymphocytes is elevated. Bacterial infections have white blood cell counts and neutrophil enlargement and nuclear left shift.

Determination of viral and viral antigens

Immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological diagnostics, and virus isolation and identification can be used as needed to determine the type of virus and distinguish between viral and bacterial infections. Bacterial culture determines the type of bacteria and drug susceptibility test.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of emotional influenza :

1, cold and cold: cold and cold is caused by the wind and cold caused by the cold, more autumn and winter. The symptoms are soreness, nasal congestion, and coughing. Treatment of Western medicine, Chinese medicine can be used, can also use diet, not only rickets, but also health. Preventive measures are to keep warm, strengthen physical exercise, improve immunity, and also prevent vaccination in advance.

2, wind and cold cold: wind and heat cold is the evil of the wind and the evil form, lung loss and caused. Symptoms include fever, mild wind, head pain, sweating, redness and pain in the throat, cough, phlegm or yellow, nasal congestion, jaundice, thirst, redness, thin white and yellow fur. Wind and heat cold is more common in summer and autumn, caused by wind and heat. Chinese medicine believes that the wind and cold is a sign of feeling the evil of wind and heat.

3. Influenza: Influenza (influenza) is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. The pathogens are influenza A, B, and C. They spread through droplets and are clinically acute. High fever, fatigue, general muscle aches and mild respiratory symptoms, short duration, self-limiting, middle-aged people and patients with chronic respiratory diseases or heart disease are prone to pneumonia. The most prominent features of influenza in epidemiology are: sudden outbreak, rapid spread, wide coverage, and certain seasonality (the northern epidemic generally occurs in winter, while the south mostly occurs in summer and winter.

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