emotional dependence


Introduction Symptoms of emotional dependence: too much like or pinned too much personal feelings on someone or an item, once lost, it is difficult to adapt. Life is often monotonous, living space is relatively narrow, and there are not many people and things in life. When a person is depressed and unable to find a solution, the dependency is often sinister. The scope of emotional dependence is very broad, not only for a certain person or animal, but also for a favorite item. rely.



Life is often monotonous, living space is relatively narrow, and there are not many people and things in life. Therefore, when they relieve pressure through certain things, gain a sense of security, or have a pleasant mood, they tend to have a superstitious attitude towards such things or people. Whenever they need a sense of security or need to solve their troubles, they will One thing asks for help. However, after the dependency is generated, another emotion will follow, which is fear of losing this kind of thing. A person's social circle is too narrow, pinning all emotions and happiness on one person, and dependence is often taken advantage of. On the other hand, the scope of emotional dependence is very broad, not only for a person or an animal, but also for the dependence on a favorite item.


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Psychologist Horney said: "People who rely on personality have a blind and excessive desire for intimacy and belonging. This desire is irrational." "In order to find a 'backing mountain', always get the warmth of the other side, he / She can even give up her own outlook on life and personal taste, but this behavioral pattern will make him/herself more and more vulnerable, lazy, and lack of autonomy. Because there are more and more people who are dependent on personality disorder, people will become more and more Repression, this repression will further prevent him/her from doing something for himself or having a personal hobby."


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of emotional dependence:

1. Dependence: refers to a compulsory desire to pursue and uninterrupted use of certain drugs or substances, or to engage in certain activities in order to achieve a specific psychological effect, and to avoid withdrawal. A behavioral disorder of the syndrome. In addition, marijuana is not physically dependent on various spiritual substances. The main reason for not being able to quit is mental dependence.

2. Mental dependence: Mental dependence is also called psychological dependence, which refers to a kind of psychological dependence caused by foreign substances entering the human body. Foreign substances are introduced into the human body, causing specific psychological changes, so that the individual has a psychological hobby for it. It is necessary to apply it frequently, otherwise it will not be able to relieve the psychological desire.

3. Physical dependence: So-called body dependence, also known as physical dependence or physiological dependence. It is the body's dependence on drugs caused by long-term, repeated use of drugs. The main manifestation is that the body must be maintained under sufficient conditions to maintain a normal state. Once the drug is stopped, the human body's physiological and biochemical processes will produce a series of reactions such as abnormalities and disorders, namely withdrawal syndrome.

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