pain around the umbilicus


Introduction Umbilical pain refers to abdominal pain centered on the umbilical cord. It is common in various gastrointestinal diseases and is an important sign of gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcers, and tumors. Simple umbilical pain is most common in acute gastroenteritis, often with a history of unclean diet, accompanied by diarrhea, pain often paroxysmal, improved after bowel movements, intestinal fistula, simple abdominal pain, no other symptoms, paroxysmal After that, it is as good as acute gastroenteritis. Other rare cases are acute mechanical intestinal obstruction, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, intestinal ascariasis, acute peritonitis and so on.



Common causes of digestive tract ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis. Digestive system diseases such as biliary ascariasis, intestinal tuberculosis, acute gastric dilatation, etc.

Simple umbilical pain is most common in acute gastroenteritis, often with a history of unclean diet, accompanied by diarrhea, pain often paroxysmal, improved after bowel movements, intestinal fistula, simple abdominal pain, no other symptoms, paroxysmal After that, it is as good as acute gastroenteritis. Other rare cases are acute mechanical intestinal obstruction, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, intestinal ascariasis, acute peritonitis and so on.

1, stomach, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, stomach cancer.

2, small intestine and colon diseases, common intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, enteritis, dysentery, intestinal parasitic diseases.

3, biliary and pancreatic diseases such as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, pancreatic head cancer.

4, acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cancer.

5, peritonitis, often secondary to gastrointestinal perforation, rupture of the spleen.

6, chest organs caused by abdominal pain, such as early lobar pneumonia, acute inferior myocardial infarction, often misdiagnosed as abdominal organ lesions.

7, genitourinary diseases, such as kidney and ureteral stones, ectopic pregnancy, salpingitis, ovarian cyst pedicle torsion, acute cystitis, urinary tract infection, dysmenorrhea and so on.

8, abdominal pain caused by systemic diseases, such as diabetes.


an examination

Related inspection

Umbilical examination of gastrointestinal CT examination of gastrointestinal diseases by ultrasonography

1. Gender and age: The common causes of abdominal pain in children are ascariasis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and intussusception. Young adults are more likely to have ulcer disease, gastroenteritis, and pancreatitis. In the middle-aged and elderly people, there are many cholecystitis and gallstones. In addition, the possibility of gastrointestinal tract, liver cancer and myocardial infarction should be noted. Renal colic is more common in men, and ovarian cyst torsion and corpus luteum rupture are common causes of acute abdomen in women. For women of childbearing age, ectopic pregnancy should be considered.

2, onset: insidious onset is more common in ulcer disease, chronic cholecystitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis. The onset of sudden onset is more common in gastrointestinal perforation, biliary calculi, and ureteral stones. Mesenteric artery embolization, ovarian cyst torsion, liver cancer nodule rupture, ectopic pregnancy rupture. The possibility of cholecystitis and pancreatitis should be considered for a meal or excessive fat meal before the onset of illness.

3, past medical history: biliary colic and renal colic has a similar history in the past. Those with a history of abdominal surgery have the possibility of intestinal adhesions. Mesenteric vascular embolization and the like should be considered in the history of atrial fibrillation.


Differential diagnosis

Clinically often differentiated from chronic umbilical inflammation.

Chronic umbilical inflammation: the umbilicus is moist, swollen, and oozing. May be purulent or mixed with blood. As the secretion stimulates the surrounding skin, it can cause eczema-like changes and even erosion. Adults or older children have a itching sensation, often scratching the umbilicus with their hands. Physical examination revealed granulation tissue hyperplasia in the umbilical fossa, dark red color, no mucous membrane covering on the convex surface, and bleeding. Most of the disease courses are prolonged and unhealed.

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