Difficulty breathing


Introduction The patient also feels difficulty breathing in a quiet situation, especially when lying down, so he is often forced to take a sitting or semi-recumbent position to reduce the difficulty of breathing. This is a more serious manifestation of heart failure, and there is obvious pulmonary congestion in the presence of sitting breathing. The patient sits on the edge of the bed and places both hands on the knees or on the side of the bed. This position can make the thoracic assisted respiratory muscles easy to move. At the same time, the diaphragm is lowered under the position, the ventilation of the lungs is increased, and the pulmonary insufficiency is alleviated. Symptoms, relieve the pain of patients, severe patients like bronchial asthma, due to lack of ventilation, the patient is sitting and breathing, both hands front support, shoulders high, cold sweat on the forehead, painful expression, can have purpura.



The patient was forced to take a sitting or semi-recumbent position in order to reduce breathing difficulties. This is a more serious manifestation of heart failure, and there is obvious pulmonary congestion in the presence of sitting breathing.

When sitting at the end of the 1st position, the blood is partially transferred to the lower body due to gravity, so that the amount of blood returned to the heart is reduced, thereby reducing pulmonary congestion.

When sitting at the end of 2, the position of the diaphragm is relatively moved downward, the volume of the thoracic cavity is relatively increased, the vital capacity is increased, and the breathing difficulty is relieved, especially in patients with ascites and hepatosplenomegaly. The sitting position allows the squeezed chest cavity to relax and relieve breathing difficulties. .

3 end sitting breathing to reduce the lower body edema fluid absorbed into the blood, reduce lung congestion.

Sitting breathing is one of the forced postures, also called forced sitting. Patients with cardiac insufficiency, taking the seat to breathe, can increase the blood stored in the lower limbs, reduce the amount of blood return, reduce the burden on the heart, and alleviate the symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.


an examination

Related inspection

Chest CT examination of arterial blood gas analysis

1. Laboratory tests for difficulty breathing

Blood routine examination showed an increase in white blood cell count, an increase in neutrophils during infection, and an increase in eosinophil count in allergic diseases.

Bronchial-lung disease should pay attention to the amount, nature, smell and bacterial culture, fungal culture, and tuberculosis in the sputum have certain diagnostic value.

2. Equipment examination for difficulty breathing

X-ray examination has obvious cardiopulmonary X-ray signs of dyspnea caused by heart and lung disease.

Bronchial angiography diagnoses bronchiectasis, bronchial adenoma, and cancer.

Patients with heart disease can do electrocardiogram, echocardiography and other tests.

Pulmonary function tests for chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, etc., to diagnose the nature and extent of lung function damage.

Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is used for the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial tumors, stenosis and foreign bodies. Pulmonary biopsy is of great significance for pulmonary fibrosis and tumors.


Differential diagnosis

Flat sleep dyspnea needs to be differentiated from the following symptoms.

Bronchial asthma (abbreviated as asthma) is a chronic airway inflammation involving a variety of cells, especially mast cells, eosinophils and T lymphocytes. In people with susceptibility, such inflammation can cause recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or coughing, and more often at night or in the early hours of the morning. These symptoms are often accompanied by a wide and variable expiratory flow rate, but can be partially relieved or relieved by treatment. This symptom is also accompanied by an increase in the reactivity of the airway to various stimuli.

Dyspnea is the earliest and most common symptom of left heart failure. Mainly due to acute or chronic pulmonary blood stasis and decreased lung capacity. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is a manifestation of left heart failure. Patients often wake up during sleep, have a feeling of suffocation, are forced to sit up, have frequent coughs, and have severe breathing difficulties.

The patient sits on the edge of the bed and places both hands on the knees or on the side of the bed. This position can make the thoracic assisted respiratory muscles easy to move. At the same time, the diaphragm is lowered under the position, the ventilation of the lungs is increased, and the pulmonary insufficiency is alleviated. Symptoms, relieve the pain of patients, severe patients like bronchial asthma, due to lack of ventilation, the patient is sitting and breathing, both hands front support, shoulders high, cold sweat on the forehead, painful expression, can have purpura.

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