skin mole


Introduction The birthmark, also known as the mongolian spot, is a congenital dermal melanocyte hyperplasia. It is also known as the baby because it is born. Histologically, melanocytes stay in the deep dermis, so it is also called dermal melanosis. Mongolian plaque can occur in any part of the body, more common in the lumbosacral region and hip. Because the melanin particles are located in a deeper part, under the Tyndall effect of light, there is a special gray cyan or blue color. As the baby grows, the Mongolian spot color gradually fades or disappears, and there is no harm to the body, and no special treatment is required.



(1) Causes of the disease

During embryogenesis, melanocytes are caused by staying in the deep part of the dermis from the neural crest to the epidermal transition.

(two) pathogenesis

Histopathological examination showed that the dermis, especially the melanocytes filled with melanin particles in the lower part of the dermis, its branching protrusions were significantly elongated and thinned, often in the form of microwaves, which were roughly parallel to the leather surface and widely spread between the collagen fiber bundles. The melanin particles contained were positive for DOPA reaction, indicating that they were not melanocytes in the dermis. Under electron microscopy, these melanocytes contain numerous intact melaninated melanosomes.


an examination

Related inspection

Amniotic fluid general examination of skin fungal microscopy

Pigmentation spots are almost always confined to the lumbosacral and buttocks, occasionally on the side of the thigh or even the shoulders, grayish blue, blue or blue-black, round, oval or irregular, the edges are not very obvious, the diameter can be counted from only From millimeters to more than ten centimeters, mostly single shots. There was no abnormality in the affected area except for the pigmentation, and the skin lines were normal. When the fetus is present, it will be deepened after a period of life, and then the color will gradually turn pale. It often disappears at 5 to 7 years old without leaving traces, and even lasts in adulthood or even enlarges. According to the appearance of characteristic lesions and specific disease progression after birth, it is generally not difficult to diagnose.


Differential diagnosis

Vasospasm: Vasospasm is the most common benign tumor in infants and is formed by the proliferation of vascular network in the embryonic stage. There are two types of vasospasm, hemangioma and vascular malformation.

Skin sputum: Skin sputum can be found in everyone's body. If you carefully examine the whole body, it is estimated that normal people have an average of 15 to 20 baboons per body, and more than 50 baboons. Its size ranges from point-like, rice-like scorpions to giant pythons that occupy the face, trunk and limbs. The colors are yellowish brown, tiled blue, light blue, grayish black, black ink and so on. In addition to affecting the appearance of benign skin, there is no self-conscious symptoms, malignant pigmented nevus is converted into malignant melanoma, the condition is very sinister, and the course of disease progresses rapidly.

Giant sputum disease: Giant sputum disease is also called giant congenital melanocyte giant scorpion, which is a congenital tumor of the skin, and its area can be widely distributed throughout the body.

Special facial paralysis: tuberous sclerosis, also known as Bourneville disease, is characterized by seizures, mental disorders and special facial paralysis. It can be differentiated from other diseases that can cause epilepsy and mental disorders in infants and young children.

Pigmentation spots are almost always confined to the lumbosacral and buttocks, occasionally on the side of the thigh or even the shoulders, grayish blue, blue or blue-black, round, oval or irregular, the edges are not very obvious, the diameter can be counted from only From millimeters to more than ten centimeters, mostly single shots, and occasionally multiple shots are shown in Figure 1. There was no abnormality in the affected area except for the pigmentation, and the skin lines were normal. When the fetus is present, it will be deepened after a period of life, and then the color will gradually turn pale. It often disappears at 5 to 7 years old without leaving traces, and even lasts in adulthood or even enlarges. According to the appearance of characteristic lesions and specific disease progression after birth, it is generally not difficult to diagnose.

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