Mucocutaneous purpura


Introduction The blood is spilled between the skin, and the skin shows signs of bruising or plaque, called purple spot, also known as tendon. A bloody condition in which the skin spills between the skin and the skin exhibits bluish spots or plaques. Also known as tendon, grape disease. Both external and internal injuries can cause the occurrence of purple spots. Children and adults can suffer from this disease, and there are more female patients. The treatment of purple spot, heat Sheng should clear heat and detoxification, cooling blood and phlegm; Yin deficiency should be nourishing Yin and reducing fire, Ningluo to stop bleeding; Qi deficiency and Qi to blood, spleen and nourishing. The prognosis is generally good, and there are a few recurrent episodes, and the course of the disease is lingering. The pathogenesis of purple spot is mainly caused by heat and blood, yin deficiency and qi deficiency, and the purple spot caused by heat and blood is more common. When the evil spirits invade, resulting in heat poisoning, or internal organs caused by diet, emotional, fatigue, etc., the internal heat that is contained in the yang is so hot that the blood is heated and burned, causing blood and blood to flow. Skin irritability spills out of the veins, and sometimes becomes a point, and more into a piece, hoarding between the tendons, so that the skin presents spots or plaques of cyan color to form purple spots. The stomach and spleen belong to the middle soil, the muscle is the main spleen and stomach, the hot air enters the stomach, the stomach heat is flaming, the smoke is emitted in the muscle, and the blood overflows to form the purple spot. Therefore, the occurrence of purple spot is closely related to blood and spleen and stomach.



The heat is forced to blood, the yin deficiency is hot, and the qi deficiency is not taken. Among them, the purple spot caused by heat and blood is more common. When the evil spirits invade, resulting in heat poisoning, or internal organs caused by diet, emotional, fatigue, etc., the internal heat that is contained in the yang is so hot that the blood is heated and burned, causing blood and blood to flow. Skin irritability spills out of the veins, and sometimes becomes a point, and more into a piece, hoarding between the tendons, so that the skin presents spots or plaques of cyan color to form purple spots. The stomach and spleen belong to the middle soil, the muscle is the main spleen and stomach, the hot air enters the stomach, the stomach heat is flaming, the smoke is emitted in the muscle, and the blood overflows to form the purple spot. Therefore, the occurrence of purple spot is closely related to blood and spleen and stomach.


an examination

Related inspection

Urine routine blood routine

Purple spots usually occur in the limbs, especially in the lower extremities. The skin is bluish spots or plaques, and the size and shape are different. When the purple spots are pressed, the color does not fade. The area of purple spot is small, the number is small, the bleeding is less, the spot color is red and red, and the condition is lighter; the area is large, the number is large, the bleeding is more, the spot color is purple and black, and the condition is heavier.

Common clinical syndromes are:

1 blood heat. The skin appears purplish red spots, freckles, and lower extremities are more common. The purple spots are different in shape, ranging in size, and some even merge into each other. Heat thirst, yellow urine constipation, or accompanied by nasal discharge, gums, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, yellow moss, pulse string number. Expelling heat and detoxification, cooling blood to stop bleeding, the use of rhino horn and yellow soup combined with ten ash.

2 Yin Huowang. The skin is smeared, the ecchymosis is red or purple, and it is light and heavy, or has a snot and gums. Often accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, skin heat, blushing upset, or hand and foot heart heat or hot flashes, night thirst, red tongue, less moss, pulse breakdown. Expelling nourishing yin and reducing fire, Ningluo to stop bleeding, and use the roots to increase and decrease.

3 gas does not take blood. Purple spotted purple is dim, mostly appearing scattered, when it starts to disappear, repeated attacks, overwork is aggravated, dizziness, pale or sallow, pale food, weak fatigue, pale tongue, weak pulse. Expelling Qi and blood, spleen and nourishing blood, the use of Guipi Decoction, can be added to add cranes, mantle, Puhuang and other enhanced hemostasis and phlegm and eliminate spots.


Differential diagnosis

Purple spots and rashes can be identified from the following three points:

1. Is it higher than the skin: the purple spot is generally not higher than the skin, and the rash is higher than the skin;

2. The purple spot is not faded, and the rash is faded;

3. Hand care: Purple spots do not hinder the hand, the rash cares more.

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