Inability to expectorate


Introduction Clinically, patients with dysentery problems after surgery and patients with respiratory diseases are often encountered. Old people and young children often have difficulty in draining because of inability to sputum. Adhesion and blockage of the respiratory system may affect the breathing, but may cause infection or block the respiratory tract, posing a life threat. Respiratory muscle weakness caused by various lung and upper respiratory tract infections (muscle weakness is a chronic disease caused by neuromuscular transmission disorders. The clinical feature is that the affected bone muscles are extremely fatigued, after rest and treatment with anticholinesterase drugs After the partial recovery.



Respiratory muscle weakness caused by various lung and upper respiratory tract infections (muscle weakness is a chronic disease caused by neuromuscular transmission disorders. The clinical feature is that the affected bone muscles are extremely fatigued, after rest and treatment with anticholinesterase drugs The latter part of the recovery. The occurrence of the disease has a certain relationship with genetic factors, can be criticized at any age, but the most common in 10 to 35 years old, there are also more than middle-aged patients).


an examination

Related inspection

Chest CT examination

Elderly patients with pulmonary infection often suffer from respiratory tract ciliary movement, decreased lung function, cough, weakness, unresponsiveness, and degeneration of the body function, which makes the sputum difficult to discharge and block the airway, seriously affecting the ventilatory function and making the lung infection long-lasting.

Senile chronic bronchitis (old chronic bronchitis) is a common disease in the elderly, and its clinical features are more phlegm, while the old chronic bronchitis patients have respiratory muscle weakness, alveolar and small airway wall itself, elastic decline, tracheal and bronchial ciliary movement Weaken, so that the sputum accumulated in the trachea and bronchus is not easy to discharge, which will aggravate the symptoms of asthma and chest tightness in patients, and in severe cases, the patient will suffocate and cause death due to obstruction of the trachea.

Elderly patients with myasthenia gravis: patients with general fatigue or upper respiratory tract infection after systemic weakness, and due to respiratory muscle weakness, breathing difficulties, cough, sputum weakness, severe cases of hypoxia, cyanosis and even coma, death. The neostigmine test was positive.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis:

1. Chronic bronchitis is a chronic, non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa and surrounding tissues. Clinically, cough, cough or accompanied by repeated attacks such as asthma is the main symptom, which lasts for 3 months every year for more than 2 years. Early symptoms are mild, more than winter attacks, and relieved in spring and summer. In the late stage, the symptoms may be present all year round due to increased inflammation. Its pathological features are bronchial gland hyperplasia and increased mucosal secretion. The condition progresses slowly and often, and obstructive emphysema often occurs. In severe cases, pulmonary hypertension and even pulmonary heart disease often occur.

2, infants and young children's respiratory system is not yet fully developed, often have coughing out, sometimes even older children will not spit like adults. or blocked in the throat, trachea, etc., or swallowed directly through the stool. Once a large amount of sputum and germs accumulate in the respiratory tract, it can cause bacterial infection and then develop into pneumonia. Some children may have chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and even cause atelectasis or heart failure, which is life-threatening.

3, elderly patients with pulmonary infection often due to weakening of mucous membrane mucociliary movement, decreased lung function, cough, weakness, slow response, body function deterioration and other reasons make the sputum difficult to discharge and block the airway, seriously affecting ventilation function, lung infection Long-term cure.

4, senile chronic bronchitis (old chronic bronchitis) is a common disease in the elderly, its significant clinical features are more sputum, and old chronic bronchial patients because of respiratory muscle weakness, alveolar and small airway wall itself elastic decline, trachea and bronchus The ciliary movement is weakened, so that the sputum accumulated in the trachea and bronchus is not easily discharged, which may aggravate the symptoms of asthma and chest tightness in the patient. In severe cases, the patient may suffocate and cause death due to obstruction of the trachea.

5, the elderly myasthenia gravis: patients with fatigue or upper respiratory tract infection after systemic weakness, and due to respiratory muscle weakness, breathing difficulties, cough, sputum weakness, severe cases of hypoxia, convulsions and even coma, death. The neostigmine test was positive.

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