Urgency to urinate


Introduction Urinary urgency means that you can't control your urination. If you want to urinate, you need to urinate. After urinating, you have urinary urgency. You need to urinate urgently. If you don't urinate in time, you will wet your underwear. Mainly due to urinary tract, bladder, prostate caused by inflammation or foreign body stimulation, often accompanied by dysuria.



Increased urine volume: Under physiological conditions, such as a large amount of drinking water, due to the increase in water intake, the amount of urine will increase, and the number of urination will increase, and frequent urination will occur. In pathological conditions, such as partial diabetes, diabetes insipidus patients drink more water, more urine, and more urination.

Inflammatory stimuli: acute cystitis, tuberculous cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, vulvitis, etc. can occur frequently. Under the stimulation of inflammation, frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria may occur at the same time, which is called urinary tract irritation.

Urinary urgency means that you can't control your urination. If you want to urinate, you need to urinate. After urinating, you have urinary urgency. You need to urinate urgently. If you don't urinate in time, you will wet your underwear. Mainly due to urinary tract, bladder, prostate caused by inflammation or foreign body stimulation, often accompanied by dysuria.

There are many causes of urgency, dysuria, and frequent urination, such as mental factors, inflammatory irritation caused by bladder and urinary tract diseases.

First, the bladder and urethra are stimulated

The most common are inflammatory stimuli, such as pyelonephritis, kidney stones combined with infection, kidney tuberculosis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, vaginitis. It is most pronounced in acute inflammation and active urinary tuberculosis. In addition, non-inflammatory stimuli such as bladder stones, urethral stones, ureteral rib stones, and bladder tumors, urethral tumors, prostate tumors, foreign bodies in the bladder or urethra, bladder and pregnancy compression.

Second, the bladder capacity is reduced

Such as bladder occupying lesions, or bladder wall inflammation infiltration, sclerosis, contracture caused by decreased bladder capacity.

Third, the bladder nerve function regulation disorder

Some women have a feeling of urgency when they are sexually impulsive. This may be a urinary tract infection or a problem with the reproductive system. This is because women's bladder, uterus and urethra are very close to the vagina, especially the urethra, probably in sexual intercourse. The friction is traumatized, and because the female's urethra is short, it is easy to cause bacterial infection. The use of a contraceptive ring can also cause urgency, especially if the contraceptive ring is not suitable. Some women have an allergic reaction to spermicides, and this can happen.

Fourth, mental and urinary frequency: frequent urination in white sputum, or before going to sleep at night, often mentally nervous or seen in patients with rickets. At this time may also be accompanied by urgency, dysuria.


an examination

Related inspection

Semen acidity prostate tumor marker (PSA) semen carnitine glomerular filtration fraction (GFF) glomerular filtration fraction

1, carefully ask the medical history

2, priority check urinary system

3, carry out routine urine examination

4. If necessary, perform urine culture inspection

TCM syndrome

1. Bladder heat

Feeling that the outsiders are more unclean due to yin, turbid evil from the lower jaw to commit the bladder, brewing damp heat; or exogenous damp heat, betting the small intestine, into the bladder. Born in the inside, mostly because of the food and fat, the spleen and stomach are transported, the spleen and stomach are transported, the heat is accumulated, the damp heat flows into the bladder, the gasification is lost, the waterway is unfavorable, and the hair is a drenched card.

2. Liver and gallbladder damp heat

Urinary urgency due to emotional loss, angry liver injury, liver qi stagnation, loss of biliary tract, liver and gallbladder stagnation, long-term stagnation of fire, gas stagnation in the lower coke, follow the bladder under the bladder, brewing damp heat, hair disease.

3. Three-focus hot and humid

At the turn of the summer and autumn, the hot and humid evil, invading the body, the evil of dampness and heat is blocked by the three cokes, the air machine is unfavorable, and the disease is caused by the disease; or the wet heat injury, the middle coke is not transported, the lift is lost, the turbidity does not fall, the lower focus is unfavorable, the damp heat Internal depression, hair disease.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis

1. Cystitis is the most common cause of bladder irritation. According to the results of 188697 people in the north, southwest, northwest, northwest and east China regions of China, the prevalence rate of urinary system diseases is 0.91%. The clinical characteristics are: urinary frequency urine Acute urinary pain is significant; but the signs of systemic infection are mild; because the bladder itself has no absorption function, the inflammation of the bladder triangle is prone to gross hematuria. The laboratory test is characterized by normal renal function tests of pyuria.

2. Pyelonephritis, de-irritating symptoms, milder than cystitis, or no bladder irritation; systemic infection, poisoning symptoms, high fever, nausea, vomiting, appetite, body aches, kidney pain, physical examination, renal pain, sputum, pain, season, rib In the ureteral tenderness (the intersection of the lateral line of the rectus abdominis and the umbilicus), the ureteral tenderness (the intersection of the vertical line of the interosseous line and the pubic tubercle) in the tenderness (the intersection of the rib and the midline of the clavicle) There is still a rise in peripheral blood leukocytes, granulocytopenia, acute pyelonephritis, transient renal tubular dysfunction, usually 1-3 months of recovery; chronic pyelonephritis can cause permanent tubular dysfunction and even glomerular function is impaired

3. Early renal tuberculosis only affects the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra are affected, so the urinary system tuberculosis urinary system tuberculosis is secondary to the urinary system can find tuberculosis lesions, especially active disease changes important bed characteristics are long-lasting unhealed bladder jump stimulation Symptoms General antibiotic treatment is invalid Physical examination Abdominal can be swollen Kidney urine examination is a rice soup mixed with blood vessels under the microscope a large number of pus cells Red blood cells can have varying degrees of proteinuria urine is acidic in the urine can be found in acid-fast bacilli can be diagnosed (Retained 24h urine sediment positive rate 70% of people X-ray examination of the affected side of the kidney contour lost normal state of lobulated late fibrosis epilepsy kidney formation shrinking flat film can be found renal calcification shadow health side renal pelvis often have water

4. Urinary calculi, kidney stones, sudden renal colic in the kidney area, followed by gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria or venous pyelography can be found in the ureteral calculi of the calculus. The clinical feature is that the colic is radiated along the ureter to the lower abdomen. The perineal area is radiated along the inner side of the thigh, and there is gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria or venous pyelography or retrograde angiography. It can be found that the stone part of the stone is not only colic but also easy to scratch the membrane to make the urinary system barrier function. Destruction and simultaneous infection

5. Urethral syndrome generally refers to repeated lower urinary tract infection caused by physiological anatomic abnormalities in women; urethral hymen umbrella refers to the female hymen after the marriage is umbrella-shaped at the external urethra; paraurethral cysts abscess; extraurethral Due to the above reasons, the lower urinary tract infections are difficult to cure and need to be corrected by surgery to cure the lower urinary tract infection.

6. Prostatic hyperplasia in older men due to the reduction of female hormone secretion caused by the imbalance of sex hormones in the body, prostatic hyperplasia, compression of the urethra and the cause of bladder irritations. On the basis of hypertrophy, it is easy to combine prostatitis to make the symptoms more prominent. The central sulcus disappears with prostatic hypertrophy and infection. Fashion can be tender and B-ultrasound and CT examination can also find a swollen prostate.


1, carefully ask the medical history

2, priority check urinary system

3, carry out routine urine examination

4. If necessary, perform urine culture inspection Breakline

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