Urinary bilirubin negative


Introduction The urinary bilirubin test was negative. Increased unbound erythropoietin results in hepatocyte compensatory production of more bound bilirubin. When it was discharged into the intestine, the amount of conversion to fecal biliary tract was also increased. Therefore, the amount of jejunal absorption in the intestine and the urinary biliary tract from the urine increased accordingly, and the urinary biliary original test was significantly positive. Hemolytic jaundice can be found in various hemolytic diseases, extensive burns, and the like. The urinary bilirubin test was negative. Increased unbound erythropoietin results in hepatocyte compensatory production of more bound bilirubin.



When there is a large amount of red blood cells destroyed in the body, the unbound bilirubin increases, and the blood content is increased. Since the unconjugated bilirubin cannot pass the kidney, the urinary bilirubin test is negative.


an examination

Related inspection

Urinary bilirubin (BIL) urobilinogenuria (URO)

The urinary bilirubin test was negative. Increased unbound erythropoietin results in hepatocyte compensatory production of more bound bilirubin. When it was discharged into the intestine, the amount of conversion to fecal biliary tract was also increased. Therefore, the amount of jejunal absorption in the intestine and the urinary biliary tract from the urine increased accordingly, and the urinary biliary original test was significantly positive. Hemolytic jaundice can be found in various hemolytic diseases, extensive burns, and the like.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of urinary bilirubin negative:

1. Hepatic jaundice: The uptake, binding and elimination of bilirubin may be impaired when hepatocytes are damaged. Due to the decreased ability of hepatocytes to take up unconjugated bilirubin in plasma, the concentration in the blood is increased, and the combined bilirubin may be due to hepatocyte swelling, capillary bile duct compression, and swelling and necrosis of hepatocytes. Diffusion through the sinus into the blood circulation, resulting in elevated blood bilirubin, because it is soluble in water and discharged through the kidney, making the urinary bilirubin test positive. In addition, the jejunal tract absorbed by the intestine can not be converted into bilirubin due to damage of hepatocytes, but is formed by urinary biliary formation, so urinary bilirubin and urobilinogen are present in hepatic jaundice. Significantly positive. In acute viral hepatitis, urinary bilirubin is positive earlier than clinical jaundice. Hepatocyte jaundice caused by other causes, such as toxic hepatitis caused by drugs and poisons, can also produce similar results.

2, obstructive jaundice: cholestasis increased hepatic bile duct pressure, leading to rupture of the capillary bile duct, combined with bilirubin can not be discharged into the intestine and reverse flow into the blood from the urine, so urinary bilirubin test positive. Urinary bile is also reduced due to obstruction of bile discharge into the intestine. Can be seen in various causes of internal or external complete or incomplete obstruction, such as cholelithiasis, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic head cancer, primary biliary cirrhosis.

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