newborn constipation


Introduction Constipation is a common condition in which the stool is hard and dry, and it is difficult to defecate. Simple constipation is caused by increased absorption of water and electrolytes in the colon. There are many adverse consequences of constipation. The most direct consequence is anal fissure, which can cause blood to drip after the stool and pain in the anus. If the child is in pain after the stool, he is unwilling to have a bowel movement, which will cause constipation and form a vicious circle. Children with severe constipation may also cause nephews. In addition, children with chronic constipation are often accompanied by loss of appetite, which leads to malnutrition, mental dysfunction, and intestinal dysfunction, which will make them more constipated.



Insufficient diet

When the baby eats too little, the liquid absorbs less residue after digestion, causing the stool to decrease and thicken. When the amount of sugar in the milk is insufficient, the intestinal peristalsis is weak, and the stool can be dried. Longer-term lack of diet causes malnutrition, abdominal muscle and intestinal muscle tension is reduced, and even shrinking, contractility is weakened, forming a vicious circle and aggravating constipation.

2. Improper food ingredients

The nature of stool is closely related to food composition. If the food contains a lot of protein, and the carbohydrate is insufficient, the intestinal flora will change second, the intestinal content fermentation process is less, the stool is easy to be alkaline, dry, such as food contains more carbohydrates, intestinal fermentation bacteria increase, Fermentation increases, acid production is more, stool is easy to be acidic, and the number of times is soft and soft. If the fat and carbohydrate are high, the stool is smooth. If you eat a lot of calcified casein, the stool contains a lot of insoluble calcium soap, the stool is increased, and it is easy to constipation. Rice flour and flour in carbohydrates are more constipated than cereals. Children with partial eclipse, many children like to eat meat, eat less or not eat vegetables, too little cellulose in food, is also prone to constipation.

3. Intestinal dysfunction

Irregular life and lack of training on time and stool, constipation is not common because of the conditioned reflexes that do not form a bowel movement. In addition, school-age children often have no habits of morning bowel movements, and learning time can not be defecation at any time. Holding stools during class is also a common cause of constipation. Common laxatives or enema, lack of physical activity, or chronic diseases such as: malnutrition, rickets, hypercalcemia, dermatomyositis, dysplasia and congenital muscle weakness, etc., due to intestinal muscle weakness, dysfunction and constipation . Sympathetic dysfunction, abdominal weakness or paralysis often make stools secret. Taking certain medications can reduce bowel movements and constipation, such as anticholinergics, antacids, certain anticonvulsants, diuretics, and iron.

4. Physical and physiological abnormalities

Such as anal fissure, anal stenosis, congenital megacolon, spina bifida or tumor compression ponytail can cause constipation. Anal finger examination, lower spine and perineal examination should be performed. Some children may have genetic problems if they have a family history.

5. Mental factors

Sudden mental stimulation, or sudden changes in the environment and lifestyle habits can also cause constipation in a short period of time.


an examination

Related inspection

Thyroid 131 iodine absorption rate

Should consult the history and stool rules, whether there are symptoms associated with the gastrointestinal tract such as: abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, growth disorders, medication history. During the physical examination, you should pay attention to check the perineum, around the anus, for anal finger examination. Pay attention to whether there is an anal fissure, skin infection, diaper rash, etc. If the finger touches a large number of hard stools or a large amount of feces is discharged after the fingerprint test, the symptoms will be relieved and the diagnosis will be clear.

The newborn did not expel the fetus 24 hours after birth, and was highly suspected of obstruction. Further examination should be carried out such as taking a flat abdominal film. Constipation begins when the baby is born, and attention should be paid to the identification of thyroid dysfunction and congenital megacolon. In the latter, the barium enema examination showed segmental stenosis in addition to colonic expansion, while chronic constipation showed full expansion of the colon. Detailed medical examinations and necessary auxiliary examinations should also be performed for constipation in children in order to be differentiated from neurological or organic obstruction.


Differential diagnosis

Elderly constipation

Constipation is a common disease in the elderly. According to relevant survey data, 28% to 50% of people who are over 60 years old often have constipation. The reason why the elderly are prone to constipation is as follows:

1. The visceral function of the elderly has undergone a physiological decline, and the ability of the intestinal peristalsis to decrease is likely to cause the feces to remain in the intestines and not be excreted.

2, the elderly rectal muscles and abdominal muscles have atrophy, muscle tension is low, resulting in weak bowel movements, resulting in difficult discharge of feces.

3. The activity of the elderly is reduced, and the diet is too fine. The dietary fiber in the food is less, which may lead to difficulty in defecation.

Pregnant women constipation

Reasons for maternal constipation:

1 The enlarged uterus compresses the colon, slowing the operation of the stool, resulting in failure to defecate properly.

2 The endocrine level of pregnant women changes, progesterone increases, and progesterone can reduce the tension of gastrointestinal smooth muscle, causing difficulty in defecation.

3 The dietary structure of pregnant women is improved, the coarse grains are reduced, the dietary fiber is lacking, the amount of feces is reduced, and the lack of stimulation of the intestinal wall is promoted.

4 decreased activity during pregnancy, affecting the peristalsis of the colon.

5 pregnant women may take a variety of drugs, such as sedative drugs to alleviate symptoms during pregnancy, but these drugs often have side effects on intestinal function, which is another important cause of constipation in pregnant women.

Pediatric constipation

Pediatric constipation can be seen as dry stool, hard to solve, or convulsions once every 2-3 days or even longer, mostly due to improper diet, milk food stagnation, dry heat, or lack of weakness after illness. Treated by diet therapy, according to different types of syndromes, you can get better results.

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