high metabolism


Introduction Metabolism is a general term for all chemical reactions in living cells. It includes both material metabolism and energy metabolism. The metabolism of various organisms is different in the stages of growth, development and aging. In the process of growing up the body, young babies and adolescents need more material to build their own body, so the metabolism is strong and assimilation plays a dominant role. In the old age and old age, the human body function is deteriorating, the metabolism is gradually slow, and the primary and secondary relationship between assimilation and alienation is also transformed.



The organism is able to decompose a part of its constituent materials, release the energy therein, and expel the end products of decomposition from the in vitro changes. Factors such as constitution, genetics, and age all affect the speed of metabolism. The metabolic assimilation of metabolism is greater than the alienation. The process in which young babies and adolescents are growing up needs to be caused by diseases such as hyperthyroidism.


an examination

Related inspection

Thyroid 131 iodine absorption rate thyroxine (T4) triiodothyronine (T3) free thyroxine (FT4) free triiodothyronine (FT3)

Metabolism of fast-growth is strong, and fat decomposition is accelerated, but it is related to diet structure and quantity. Excessive metabolism can lead to rapid aging, and cancer is more likely due to free radicals.

Check your hematuria, see if there is any abnormality in the thyroid gland, see if there is abnormal heart and lung function, check blood sugar, urine sugar, see if there is any imbalance of gastrointestinal function, or look at the ct of the brain, pay attention to Adjust the diet to ensure the mood, to see if there is abnormal change in the blood biochemistry, it is very important to develop good habits.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of metabolism:

1. Young infants and adolescents are in the process of growing their bodies, and they need more substances to build their own bodies. Therefore, metabolism is strong and assimilation plays a dominant role.

2, hyperthyroidism: hyperthyroidism is the abbreviation of hyperthyroidism, is a group of common endocrine diseases caused by excessive secretion of thyroid hormone caused by a variety of reasons. The main clinical manifestations are high metabolic syndrome such as polyphagia, weight loss, aversion to heat, hyperhidrosis, palpitations, and agitation, enhanced neurological and vascular excitability, and varying degrees of goiter and ocular processes, hand tremors, and sacral murmurs. Severe cases of hyperthyroidism, coma and even hungry, easy to get excited, emotional instability. Physiologically, it can be expressed as a rapid heart rate, easy sweating, and so on.

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