ape-like pelvis


Introduction The entrance of the humanoid pelvis is long oval, and the anteroposterior diameter of the entrance is larger than the transverse diameter. The two sides of the pelvis are slightly cohesive, and the ischial spine is more prominent. The sciatic notch is wider, the pubic arch is narrower, and the tibia is inclined backwards, so the anterior part of the pelvis is narrower and the posterior part of the pelvis is wider. The tibia often has 6 knots, and the apes-like pelvis is deeper than other types. Women in China account for about 15%.



Formed for the development of congenital factors. Such pelvis accounts for 14.2% to 18% of women in China.


an examination

Related inspection

Pelvic measurement of pelvic tilt test in the pelvis

The entrance to the pelvis is oblong, and the pelvic inlet, middle pelvis, and pelvic outlet are all shorter in diameter and slightly longer in anteroposterior diameter. The ischial incision is wide, the two side walls are cohesive, the ischial spine is more prominent, the pubic arch is narrower, and the tibia is inclined backwards, so the anterior pelvis is narrower and the posterior part is wider. The tibia is often 6 knots and is relatively straight, so it is deeper than other types of pelvis. Such pelvis accounts for 14.2% to 18% of women in China.


Differential diagnosis

Different from other types of pelvis:

1. Female type is female normal pelvis, the most common. The entrance is horizontally elliptical, and the entrance diameter is slightly longer than the front and rear diameters. The side wall of the pelvis is straight, the ischial spine is not prominent, the pubic bone is wider, and the diameter of the ischial spine is 10 cm. Women in China account for about half.

2. Flat type is more common. The entrance is oblate and has a transverse diameter greater than the anteroposterior diameter. The pubic bone is wide, the humerus loses its normal curvature, and it becomes straight to the back or deep arc, so the pelvis is shallow. Women in China account for about 25%.

3. Male type is rare. The entrance is slightly triangular, the two side walls are cohesive, and the ischial spine protrudes. The pubic bone arch is narrower, the sciatic notch is narrow and has a high arch shape, the tibia is straight and forward, and the sagittal diameter is shorter after the exit. The pelvic cavity is funnel shaped.

The above three basic types of pelvis are theoretically classified, and most of the clinical findings are mixed pelvis.

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