Refractive amblyopia


Introduction Refractive error amblyopia, both eyes have obvious hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, can not cause blurred vision of both eyes, even if the optician vision declines quickly, the treatment emphasizes often wearing glasses, clear vision can restore vision, otherwise It is not easy to recover after serious. Medium and high refractive errors are one of the main causes of amblyopia, and 70% are hyperopic amblyopia. Amblyopia training is performed as soon as possible after correcting ametropia. Refraction is not the correction of the eye. When the parallel light passes through the refractive effect of the eye, it cannot form a clear image on the retina, but is imaged in front of or behind the retina. It includes hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism.



There are many reasons for refractive errors. Genetic factors are very important reasons. Of course, unreasonable use of the eye is also a reason that cannot be ignored. Children are in a period of growth and development, and they do not pay attention to eye hygiene. For example, reading and writing postures are incorrect. Or the light is not good, causing the distance between the eye and the book to be too close, or reading for too long, or walking, reading a book by car, etc. can cause excessive eye fatigue and promote refractive error.


an examination

Related inspection

Eye and sacral area CT examination, fog vision, optometry, indirect ophthalmoscopy, refractive examination

The refractive examination includes subjective examination and objective examination:

Subjective inspection method:

1. Determine the refractive properties method based on preliminary analysis of visual acuity.

2. Insert optometry.

3. Cross-column and astigmatism optometry.

4. Cloud law.

5. Astigmatism optometry.

6. Pinhole sheet and slit sheet inspection method.

Objective inspection method:

1. Direct ophthalmoscopy.

2. Retinoscopy.

3. Strip photo retinoscopy.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of refractive ametropia :

1. Deprivation amblyopia: refers to normal eyeball examination and abnormal eyesight in one eye or both eyes, and can not reach 0.8 or above by wearing glasses. According to different types, medical amblyopia is divided into strabismic amblyopia and hemiplegic amblyopia. , form deprivation amblyopia, refractive amblyopia, congenital amblyopia and other five categories.

2, disuse of amblyopia: disuse of amblyopia refers to in the infancy, due to ptosis, corneal opacity, congenital cataract or cover time due to eyelid surgery is too long, etc., so that light stimulation can not enter the eye, hinder or hinder The broken macula receives the form stimulation, which results in amblyopia, so it is also called to block visual irritating amblyopia.

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