Cough with weight loss


Introduction Cough with weight loss is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis (pulmonary tuberculosis PTB) is a pulmonary infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is a serious threat to human health.



Tuberculosis infection

Mycobacterium spp. belonging to the Mycobacterium group of Actinomyces. The main cause of human tuberculosis is human tuberculosis. Bovine infection is rare. Tuberculosis is difficult to stain with aerobic bacteria. After dyeing with magenta, it can not be bleached with acidic alcohol. Therefore, it is called acid-fast bacillus; the microscopic examination showed that the bacillus was slightly resistant to the outside world and could survive for more than 5 months in the damp area; but in the sun exposure for 2 hours 5%~12% cresol soap (to Su ) The solution is contacted for 2 to 12 hours. 70% alcohol is exposed for 2 minutes or boiled for 1 minute. The easiest way to sterilize is to directly burn the sputum tuberculosis bacteria with germs. The growth of the tuberculosis grows slowly and takes 15 to 20 hours to grow. Visible colonies usually take 4 to 6 weeks and require at least 3 weeks.


an examination

Related inspection

Spirometry, body mass index, lung biopsy, pulmonary ventilation

First, systemic symptoms:

Symptoms of systemic toxicity are low fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, night sweats, etc. When the lungs are rapidly spreading, there may be high fever, and women may have menstrual disorders or amenorrhea.

Second, the respiratory system:

There is usually a dry cough or only a small amount of mucus. With secondary infection, sputum is mucinous or purulent. About one-third of patients have varying degrees of hemoptysis. When the inflammation spreads to the parietal pleura, the corresponding chest wall is stinging, generally not intense, and aggravates with breathing and coughing. Chronic severe tuberculosis, respiratory function slows, and breathing difficulties occur.


Differential diagnosis

The diagnosis should be differentiated from the following symptoms:

Persistent cough

Cough is one of the most common symptoms in the respiratory system. It is a protective measure for the body. It is beneficial to the body. When the respiratory mucosa is stimulated by foreign bodies, inflammation, secretions or allergic factors, it is caused reflexively. Cough helps to eliminate foreign bodies or secretions from the outside world and eliminate respiratory stimuli. Persistent cough is a precursor to lung disease. This cough will take two to three months to heal once it starts, and any cough medicine seems to be powerless.

2. Paroxysmal cough

Paroxysmal intermittent discontinuities occur, there is no persistent state, paroxysmal cough is a description of the form of seizures, there is no cause, so there is no meaning, most of the episode cough is allergic cough.

3. Coughing syncope

Coughing syncope is a loss of consciousness immediately after a severe cough, with low muscle tone and short duration. A small number of patients felt dizzy and dazzled, and their complexion changed from bruising to pale and sweating. Most of the patients were obese men after middle age, who often smoked and had bronchitis and emphysema. Children who developed pertussis or asthma also developed symptoms. Most after repeated coughing, occasionally fainted after a single cough, call, sneezing, yawning or laughing. Cough increases the intrathoracic pressure, causing venous return obstruction and cardiovascular reflex factors to play a role in the disease.

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