masticatory muscle hypertrophy


Introduction Chewing muscle hypertrophy is a type of mandibular angle hypertrophy, the mandibular angle is obviously hypertrophy, eversion, "national character face" or "trapezoidal face". The mandibular angle is prominent and the sides are asymmetrical. The ratio of the upper and lower width of the face is not coordinated, and the distance between the two mandibular angles is too wide. Therefore, the occurrence of masseter muscle hypertrophy is generally considered to be related to people's chewing habits and eating habits. Such as eating hard food in the diet or eating snacks, chewing gum habits. Some people think that masseter muscle hypertrophy is related to hereditary factors. In fact, there is a clinical phenomenon of family masseter muscle hypertrophy. Most of the masseter muscle fat is accompanied by mandibular angle hypertrophy and mandibular angle valgus.



First, the body masticatory muscles include masseter muscle, diaphragm muscle, pterygoid muscle, pterygoid muscle, etc., so the occurrence of masseter muscle hypertrophy is generally considered to be related to people's chewing habits and eating habits. Such as eating hard food in the diet or eating snacks, chewing gum habits.

Second, masseter muscle hypertrophy is related to genetic factors. In fact, clinically, there is a phenomenon of familial masseter muscle hypertrophy.

Third, the cause of masseter muscle hypertrophy is often accompanied by mandibular angle hypertrophy, mandibular angle valgus and other conditions, so the clinical masseter muscle hypertrophy is called mandibular angle hypertrophy or masseter muscle benign hypertrophy.


an examination

Related inspection

Maxillofacial examination of maxillofacial five-dimensional CT

Benign hypertrophy of the chewing muscle mandibular angle is a common facial deformity in the oriental population. The shape of this type of people is often in the form of "wind" and "use". The next 1/3 is obviously wide. Severe mandibular angles protrude backwards and downwards, and some are accompanied by sub-1/3 short. When the patient is occluded, the chewing muscle cord with obvious hypertrophy is visible or touched. Most are bilateral, with a few being unilateral. Both sides are also often asymmetrical, while one-sided asymmetry is very obvious. Most patients have no significant discomfort.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of masticatory muscle hypertrophy:

Jaw deformity: double-jaw deformity, also known as bimaxillary protrusion, tip (bird) mouth deformity is characterized by open lip and tooth, unable to naturally shut up, upper and lower anterior teeth protruding, may have bony or non-bone protrusion Regardless of how the teeth protrude, the jaw relationship is often good. Due to the protrusion of the teeth, the function of the lips is weakened after a long period of time, and the mouth cannot be closed. The protruding teeth are exposed, but the red lips are thick and have eversion.

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