There are tender points at the trapezius muscle and Fengchi point at the root of the neck


Introduction The tender point at the base of the cervical spine and the wind pool is a clinical manifestation caused by chronic neck soft tissue injury. Due to chronic neck soft tissue injury, the pain was felt when the neck of the trapezius muscle and the Fengchi acupoint were pressed by hand. Chronic injury refers to the damage of various over-limit activities that exceed the maximum range of normal physiological activities or the local tolerable time. Therefore, long-term low-head work, the head is often in a position of flexion, the front of the cervical disc is compressed, the nucleus pulposus moves back, stimulating the annulus fibrosus and the posterior longitudinal ligament, resulting in discomfort.



(1) Causes of the disease

Due to overtime limit active injury or acute neck injury, it was not treated well.

(two) pathogenesis

This disease is more common in people who are engaged in typing, finance, sculpture, embroidery, etc., who need long-term low-head work. Due to excessive fatigue of the neck muscles, a small amount of muscle fiber tears, after a certain degree of development will cause symptoms; still due to muscle weakness, gravity can be directly transferred to the fascia or ligaments to cause fascia or ligament traction A laceration; it can also originate from acute soft tissue injury in the neck without good treatment leading to local soft tissue fibrosis and scar formation, which makes the tissue lose its elasticity and is prone to further damage.


an examination

Related inspection

Cervical venous pressure examination cervical CT examination neck test

According to the medical history, clinical manifestations and X-ray examination, the diagnosis can be confirmed.

Some patients have a history of acute cervical soft tissue injury, and there are recurrent neck pains and discomforts after the symptoms of the acute phase have subsided. Pain can be radiated to the back, shoulders and even the upper extremities. There are tender points in the trapezius and wind pool points at the base of the neck, the range is often wide, and the soft tissue has no obvious swelling. Neck activity is mildly limited, sometimes with headaches, and even blurred vision, and no abnormalities in the nervous system.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of tender points at the base of the neck of the trapezius and the wind pool:

1. Neck pain: The problem of neck pain, whether it is in young people or middle-aged people, is a common problem. Its symptoms are local and conductive. The so-called locality refers to pain in the neck alone, which may be a ligament sprain, a muscle strain, or a joint wear degradation. The so-called conductivity refers to the situation of the hand numbness and hand soreness in addition to the neck discomfort. This is mostly because the cervical nerve root is compressed, or the fascia from the neck to the arm and even the wrist, inflammation, adhesion, The situation of austerity.

2, ischemic indexing of the neck: the pain is ischemic jumping pain, the onset can be sudden, accompanied by soreness and discomfort, starting from the neck to the hands and fingers, with numbness and tingling, pain There is no clear boundary between the parts of the cervical vertebrae. The movement of the cervical vertebra can aggravate the pain. When the neck is straightened, the interscribing muscle space becomes smaller and the pain is aggravated. The neck flexion can increase the intercostal muscle space, and the pain can be relieved. The lowering of the shoulders of the limbs can exacerbate the symptoms.

3, cervical vertebrae pain: cervical vertebra pain is one of the clinical symptoms of cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical vertebra syndrome, is the general term for cervical osteoarthritis, proliferative cervical spondylitis, cervical nerve root syndrome, cervical disc herniation, is a A condition based on degenerative pathological changes.

4, neck and shoulder pain: neck and shoulder pain, the main pain point around the shoulder joint, it is called the shoulder joint inflammation, referred to as shoulder inflammation, commonly known as condensate shoulder, leaking shoulder wind or frozen shoulder. The onset of the disease is mostly caused by freezing, trauma, and infection of tissues around the shoulder joints, such as tendons and bursae. Many patients are caused by rheumatism. The main symptoms are continuous pain in the neck and shoulders. The upper limbs of the affected side are elevated, rotated, and the swinging is limited. The feeling of cold in the wind is heavy and painful. If not treated in time, prolonged prolongation can cause joint adhesion, the upper limbs of the affected side become thin, weak and even form a disuse atrophy. The disease is more common in middle-aged people around the age of 50, and young people and the elderly also occur. The pain is characterized by pain in the movement of the arm, no pain or slight pain, and it is difficult to comb, dress, lift, and lift. When the attack is severe, it can be painful and it will not sleep all night.

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