foot odor


Introduction Foot odor is caused by sweaty glands in the foot and sweating. In addition to water and salt, sweat also contains lactic acid and urea. In the case of hyperhidrosis, the bacteria on the feet multiply and break down the keratin protein, together with the urea and lactic acid in the sweat, which gives off an odor. If the shoes are not breathable, the air will not circulate, the odor will accumulate and the odor will be extremely strong.



The main culprit causing foot odor is a fungus called white fungus, which is commonly known as Hong Kong's foot bacteria, which breaks down skin metabolites and produces an unpleasant stench.

Because the foot is more than the sweat glands in other parts. There are 620 sweat glands per square centimeter in the sole, and the other areas of the body have only 143 to 339. When people's activities increase, the weather is hot, the tension is tight, and the spicy hot food is eaten, the sweat is secreted a lot. The moisture and pH value of the shoes after sweating provide a suitable growth environment for the bacteria, and the stratum corneum of skin necrosis brings enough nutrients to the bacteria, so that the bacteria can proliferate and decompose the keratin protein and mix it in the sweat. Urea and lactic acid produce an unpleasant odor.


1. Excessive sweating on the feet. More common in adolescents, may be due to unstable autonomic nerve function, such as emotional stress caused by excessive sympathetic nerves, or exercise can cause excessive sweating in the feet.

2. Some diseases of the foot, such as skin diseases such as athlete's foot between the toes.

3, often wear rubber shoes, nylon socks and other poorly breathable shoes, socks and so on.

4, or some people do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the feet, the temperature of the skin of the feet and the formation of moisture and dander, which constitutes the appropriate conditions for the growth, reproduction and spoilage of microorganisms on the skin surface (especially anaerobic bacteria). In addition, organic substances such as uric acid and lactic acid in the sweat are decomposed, resulting in bad odor. If you do not pay attention to the cleanliness of your feet, it will also encourage its odor.


an examination

Related inspection

Physical examination of skin diseases

Diagnosis was based on the clinical manifestations of foot odor. The feet have a strong odor compared to other parts of the body, and some people may even stink on their feet.

Physiological foot odor

Because of obesity or exercise, the sweating of the foot is excessive, and often wear some shoes and socks with poor breathability such as rubber shoes and nylon socks. If you do not wash your feet often, it will easily cause physiological foot odor.

Usually, as long as the feet are often washed, especially after the exercise, wash shoes, socks, socks, wear some breathable shoes, socks, etc. to avoid physiological foot odor;

Pathological foot odor

If the foot is sweaty, wet, or the shoes and socks are not ventilated, it can induce pathological foot odor; or it can be infected by contaminated bathhouse, poolside floor, bath towel, public slippers, footbath, etc. Sexual foot odor.

In addition to frequent foot washing, frequent shoes and socks, but also actively cooperate with the treatment, after removing the cause, it will reduce or eliminate foot odor.


Differential diagnosis

Athlete's foot is the common name of the foot. Some people confuse "foot athlete's foot" with "foot athlete's disease". This is not right. Medical "beriberi" is a systemic disease caused by vitamin B deficiency, and "foot athlete" is a common skin disease caused by fungal (also known as germ) infection. Footbaths and foot towels should be used separately to avoid infecting others. If it is not treated in time, it can sometimes be transmitted to other parts, such as causing handcuffs and hyperthyroidism. Sometimes it is caused by itch, and secondary bacterial infection can cause serious complications.

Diagnosis was based on the clinical manifestations of foot odor. The feet have a strong odor compared to other parts of the body, and some people may even stink on their feet.

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