

Introduction Anxiety refers to a kind of inner uneasiness or unfounded fear that lacks obvious objective reasons. It is a normal emotional reaction that occurs when people encounter certain things such as challenges, difficulties or dangers. Anxiety is often associated with mental assaults and impending threats or dangers that may arise, subjectively showing nervousness, unhappiness, and even painfulness that is difficult to self-control, and severely accompanied by changes or disorders in the function of the vegetative nervous system. . In the unified value theory, when the value of something may decrease significantly in the future, it will have an anxiety about the thing. Anxiety is a complex emotional reaction that is interwoven by feelings of tension, anxiety, anxiety, worry and fear. It can appear when people are frustrated. There may also be no obvious inducement that some emotional disorders occur in the absence of a sufficient objective basis.



People anticipate a mixed emotional experience of worry, tension, anxiety, fear, unhappiness, etc., arising from the appearance of adverse situations.

1 biological factors, such as genetic influences and physiological factors.

2 psychological factors, such as cognition, emotions, etc.

3 social factors, such as over-constrained cities, overcrowded living spaces, environmental pollution, tension, and excessive work pressure.


an examination

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1. Panic Attack: This is a kind of intense anxiety of an acute attack. It will suddenly feel a crisis or threat to imminent or death is imminent, experience intense fear, and have the urge to escape immediately. At the same time, various physical symptoms and cognitive symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, tremors, or shaking, difficulty breathing or suffocation, blockage, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or stomach discomfort, dizziness or top-heavy, realistic disintegration, personality Disintegration, fear of losing control or "madness", sudden death, feeling abnormal, and chills or fever. Common in panic disorder or various phobias.

2, nameless anxiety or planktonic anxiety: is a kind of broad and persistent anxiety that is not limited to special scenes without reason. Individuals feel that there is an imminent and almost inevitable danger, but it is not clear where the danger comes from. At the same time, the individual doubts whether he has the ability to cope with this imminent danger. Increased alertness, motor anxiety and physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, suffocation, chest blockage or discomfort, nausea or stomach discomfort, sweating, flushing or paleness, tremors, etc. Such anxiety is a hallmark of generalized anxiety disorder.

3. Anticipated Anxiety: Anxiety disorder patients are expected to face fear again in situations or situations of fear, such as: fear of recurrence of panic attacks in patients with panic disorder, and fear of social phobia patients in upcoming social situations.

4, anxiety expectations: the patient is too worried about the unfortunate things happen to themselves or their relatives or friends may occur caused by unrealistic threats. For example, if an child goes out, there will be an accident such as a car accident. They often have a premonition of panic, worrying, upset, and restless. The degree of anxiety is not commensurate with the degree of reality or the event that induces anxiety itself.

5. On-the-spot anxiety: It is related to the execution of a task. The less confident it is to complete the task, the greater the anxiety may be. The anxiety that occurs before the exam is this type. On-the-spot anxiety is particularly seen in people with sexual dysfunction.

6. Separation anxiety: It is a reaction of children to the separation of parents. Usually, crying is easy to irritate and other painful symbols. Most people think that it is just a kind of adjustment reaction that children try to make to the changes imposed on him. Separation anxiety is seen in children's separation anxiety disorder.


Differential diagnosis

Anxiety disorders react differently with normal anxiety: first, it is anxious, nervous, and fearless for no reason or content. Second, it is pointing to the future. It seems that some threats are coming, but the patients themselves cannot tell what threats or dangers exist. Third, it lasts for a long time. If it is not actively and effectively treated, it will be difficult to heal for weeks, months or even years. In addition to the persistent or episode of panic disorder, the final anxiety disorder is accompanied by multiple physical symptoms.

In short, pathological anxiety is an unfounded panic and tension. The psychological experience is generalized, fearless and fearless with a fixed target, and physically accompanied by physical symptoms with increased alertness. These symptoms are not only caused by simple anxiety disorders, but also by some mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The anxiety symptoms of this type of disease are only one of its symptoms. These symptoms of anxiety are not substantially different from the simple anxiety disorder in clinical symptoms and psychiatry. It may be more complicated in treatment than simple anxiety disorder because it is treated. At the same time as the symptoms of anxiety, it is necessary to treat other symptoms of such patients, so it is necessary to distinguish from simple anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder, commonly referred to as anxiety state, is called anxiety neuropathy. Anxiety disorder is a brain dysfunction with persistent anxiety, fear, nervousness, and autonomic dysfunction, often accompanied by motor anxiety and physical discomfort. There is no significant difference in the incidence of male and female sex between the young and the young.

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