Radiating shoulder pain


Introduction Radiation pain: The pain is radioactive, and the conductive pain is released from the proximal end of the limb (near the heart side) to the telecentric end, just like a string of inductance. This means that the lesion does not occur in the limb itself, but in the spinal cord of the neck, chest, or lumbar or at a large nerve center or nerve trunk. Radiation pain in the upper extremities indicates a lesion in the neck or shoulder of the nerve plexus.



The spinal cord of the neck, chest, or lower back is compressed at a large nerve center or plexus.


an examination

Related inspection

Scapular examination CT examination

Diagnosis can be made based on clinical features such as pain limited to the extent of brachial plexus, stimulation or compression of the brachial plexus to aggravate pain. To determine the cause of secondary brachial plexus neuralgia, according to its clinical manifestations, neurological examination of selective shoulder joints, cervical X-ray, cerebrospinal fluid test, EMG, upper limb blood flow map, nerve conduction velocity, cervical CT or MRI examination.


Differential diagnosis

Brachial plexus neuritis should be differentiated from shoulder arthritis and inflammation around the shoulder joint. The latter's pain is mainly located in the shoulders and upper arms, the pain is not radiated, the shoulder joint activity is obviously limited, and the pain is intensified, while the neck activity does not increase the pain, the shoulder joint muscles often have tender points, and the brachial plexus There is no tenderness and no clinical manifestations of nerve damage. Patients with inflammation around the shoulder joints, when abducting their upper limbs, shrug due to obstacles in the movement of the scapula.

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