false pregnancy


Introduction False pregnancy is also called imaginary pregnancy. It usually happens to infertile women who have been married for many years and have never been pregnant. They are looking forward to their heart and always hope that they can have a lively and lovely baby. I was deeply impressed by the experience of other maternal pregnant women and the performance before and after the birth. Therefore, when amenorrhea occurs, it will also feel breast swelling, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc., and even the abdomen gradually appears fat accumulation and bulge, resembling the enlarged uterus during pregnancy, and consciously have fetal movement. However, after obstetrics and gynaecology examination, no pregnancy was found.



False pregnancy is a typical example of the central nervous system, a hypothalamic dysfunction that leads to amenorrhea. In the blood of the pseudopregnancy, the levels of luteinizing hormone and prolactin are increased, so that the corpus luteum function and galactorrhea can be maintained for a long period of time, and symptoms and signs similar to pregnancy appear. Therefore, the connection between mental and neuroendocrine disorders is disordered, and mental depression is a key factor leading to pseudopregnancy.


an examination

Related inspection

Urine pregnancy test (HCG) gynecological ultrasound

Modern medical research has found that prolactin and progesterone in pregnant women have increased to a certain level, inhibiting ovulation, resulting in amenorrhea, and later converted from psychological problems into physical symptoms, showing nausea, vomiting, abdominal bulging, "fetal movement" Such symptoms, medical psychology is called "transformation snoring."

According to physiologists, pseudopregnancy is a comprehensive "deficit" of physical and psychological. Some women are eagerly awaiting the "crystallization" of love as soon as they get married. They are eager to see, and often look at people compared with their own sisters who are married at the same time. When you are pregnant, you are envious of anxiousness; when you look at other sisters who have already taken care of them, they are even more impatient. In this way, thinking and thinking, dreaming of a strong "prospect" excited stove in the cerebral cortex, affecting the dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, leading to menstrual closure.

After amenorrhea, under the influence of sex hormones in the body, the fat in the small abdomen will accumulate. Under the psychological factors of her expectation of pregnancy, it is considered to be pregnant, so it will produce "pregnancy" of anorexia, food intake and vomiting. "reflect. Even some women's psychological effects of "simulating pregnancy", the imbalance of estrogen and androgen in the body, will magically grow butterfly spots on the peach meal, and there is still a "fetal movement" in the abdomen. This is purely a psychosocial role.


Differential diagnosis

Menstruation stop

This is the most common sign of pregnancy that most people notice. As long as it is a woman of normal age, normal menstruation, after two weeks of sexual menstruation, it may be pregnant, this is the earliest sign of pregnancy, expiration time The longer you are, the more likely you are to have a pregnancy. . However, women's reproductive function is very sensitive, not menstruation is not coming to be pregnant, there are many reasons for menstruation, may be due to poor ovarian function, may be due to abnormal hormone secretion, busy work, exams, etc., if the spirit When you are under greater stress, or when the surrounding environment changes, it will cause late menstruation. Women who are usually unsatisfactory with menstruation, if they are late for menstruation, do not need to be particularly nervous, but it is more difficult to menstrual cramps as a criterion for pregnancy. Therefore, it is best to go through the diagnosis of the doctor, which is the safest.

Women who have lived a normal husband and wife, once they are late for menstruation, must first consider whether they are pregnant, but in addition to menstruation, it is also important to observe changes in their physiology. Especially in the case of being pregnant without knowing it, mistakenly treat bleeding as a menstrual cramp. In the early stages of pregnancy, there will be similar menstruation, but not the symptoms of menstrual bleeding, and some women will have lower body bleeding due to implantation of fertilized eggs. Although the bleeding of the sample is a small amount of light bleeding, but sometimes it is a precursor to miscarriage, it is best to seek medical diagnosis.

2. Changes in the breast

Breast development may occur, nipple enlargement, veins under the skin of the breast are obvious, the color of the nipple, areola is deepened, the nipple is prominent, some small nodules appear around the nipple, and even the breast has tingling, swelling and itching, and occasionally a small amount of milk can be squeezed out. . These are the phenomena caused by pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone, the breast begins to increase and becomes more sensitive after 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, and its total weight can be increased to about 800 grams. The increase in weight and the dual effects of progesterone stretch the ligaments and fibrous tissue of the breast, so the breasts have a tendency to sag. Choose a special bra to protect. As the blood volume increases, some pregnant women may also have blue blood veins on their breasts, which naturally disappear after delivery.

3. Early pregnancy reaction

Pregnant women will gradually feel some abnormalities after menopause. This is because the vomiting center is temporarily unable to adapt to the increased estrogen, or related to mental factors, to do early pregnancy reaction. The earliest reaction was cold, and gradually became tired, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, nausea, loss of appetite, picky eaters, like to eat sour food, fear of smelling greasy, and the secretion of saliva will increase. Get up early and even vomit, severe dizziness, fatigue, fatigue and other symptoms. The symptoms of early pregnancy vary from person to person. Almost every pregnant woman in early pregnancy often feels sick and vomiting. It will appear 5 weeks after pregnancy, and there are many people who have no early pregnancy reaction. Most people will last for 3 months, usually after 3 months, the early pregnancy reaction will stop automatically. Unless you are very sick and vomiting, you need to seek medical attention, otherwise these are normal in the early stages of pregnancy. Appetite and eating habits often change during early pregnancy. For example, interest in tobacco, alcohol, tea and fried foods is diminished. Eating salty, sour, iced foods and fruits, and even partial eclipse, the reasons for these phenomena are not clear.

4. Changes in the skin

Some women may have a brown pigmentation on the face and midline of the abdomen after pregnancy, which may cause skin pigmentation or stretch marks on the abdominal wall, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Some people have freckles or acne on their faces when they are pregnant. The skin condition is worse than usual, and the makeup is not easy. Pregnant women's abdominal wall, thighs, etc. can be seen in the skin of 5--6cm long, about 0.5cm wide irregular cracks, these lines are purple or reddish, gradually become silvery white after delivery, long-lasting.

It is generally believed that it is caused by increased involvement of adrenocortical hormones. Some women have smoother and more delicate skin after pregnancy, but 30% of pregnant women may have brown spots on their faces or necks. Some pregnant women have deeper spots on their faces, usually disappearing after a few months of childbirth or weaning. . Eating more foods rich in vitamin A can alleviate the symptoms. However, sun exposure aggravates symptoms, so pregnant women should pay special attention to sun protection. In addition, the skin is overstretched and it is easy to leave stretch marks. The prevention method is to use professional massage cream throughout pregnancy to increase skin elasticity. This is a hormone-induced change that is very natural for pregnant women and does not have to be too worried.

5. Vaginal mucosa discoloration

At the beginning of pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa may appear darker due to congestion, which is judged by the physician.

6. Easy to get tired

It is easy to get tired in the early stages of pregnancy. Some people feel that they are lazy. They are listless all day long. They often want to sleep, as if they are not sleeping forever.

7. Kidney and urinary system

Because the bladder is compressed by the expanding uterus, frequent urination occurs. When women are pregnant for the third month, most of them have symptoms of frequent urination. They often go to the toilet. It doesn't take long for them to have urine. Some people suspect that they are caused by cystitis. If they are not accompanied by pain or disability during urination. Urinary sensation is not cystitis, but purely because of the uterus gradually increasing after pregnancy, compressing the bladder, making the bladder volume smaller and causing frequent urination.

Pregnant women have increased renal blood flow due to physiological changes in pregnancy. In the early stage, the bladder was enlarged due to the expansion of the uterus. In the second trimester, the bladder will be squeezed as the fetal head falls into the basin, causing the same result. As renal blood flow and renal filtration rate increase, glucose filtration increases. When the reabsorption of glucose by the renal tubules can not be increased correspondingly, about 15% of pregnant women have diabetes, amino acid filtration, but no proteinuria. Due to the increase in the above effluent, it provides material conditions for bacterial growth, so pregnant women are prone to urinary tract infections.

8. Changes in basal body temperature

When some of the above symptoms occur, the basal body temperature can be measured every day. The basal body temperature is the high and low temperature changes produced by the secretion of progesterone in the body. By measuring the basal body temperature, it can be known whether the child is pregnant, and the basal body temperature of the pregnant person tends to rise.

Some of the performances listed above are just some of the symptoms that appear early in pregnancy. When you suspect that you may be pregnant, you should go to the hospital for obstetrics and gynaecology for further examination.

9. Hair

Increased estrogen secretion after pregnancy, increased testosterone and adrenal cortex hormones during pregnancy, can increase hair, mainly pubic hair, pubic hair, thickening, hair curl reduction, occasionally reduce the front hair. Hair growth rate increased by 20%, hair became more dense, and estrogen secretion stimulated the secretion of androgen and promoted the growth of body hair. Don't worry, the excess hair will fall off on its own within 6 months after birth.

10. Eyes

As the body circulation slows down after pregnancy, the expectant mother's eyes are prone to edema and congestion. Pregnant women must ensure adequate sleep, and do not drink too much water before going to bed, this symptom naturally disappears after delivery. In addition, hormonal fluctuations also cause thickening of the retina, which can cause discomfort when wearing invisible eyes. It usually takes 6 months after delivery to return to normal. It is recommended to use frame glasses during this period, or consult a doctor to choose appropriate eye drops to increase lubrication.

11. Spine

Excessive stretching of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy loses support for the lumbar vertebrae. The increase in uterine weight also exerts more pressure on the lumbar vertebrae. In addition, the ligaments between the spine become loose under the action of progesterone, and the stability of the spine becomes worse, so the lumbar vertebrae The curvature becomes larger and the pregnant woman often feels back pain. By the same token, the increase in breast weight also exerts more pressure on the cervical spine, and the curvature of the cervical spine also becomes larger. Pregnant women also often feel neck pain. Discomfort usually disappears within 2 weeks after delivery, and proper exercise helps the spine return to normal physiological curvature.

12. Abdomen

After pregnancy, the left and right rectus abdominis, which were originally connected in parallel with the abdomen, gradually separated and extended to the sides of the body to accommodate the growing uterus. At 3 months of gestation, this separation of the rectus abdominis occurred in 66% of pregnant women. This separation does not cause pain, and the underlying tissue of individual women will also push out the navel. After delivery, the rectus abdominis requires 6 weeks of time. * The elasticity of the rectus is slowly and slowly, and the appropriate exercise can help it recover.

13. Buttocks

The mother's hips become wider and thicker, mainly due to the effects of progesterone. On the one hand, fat is easy to accumulate, on the other hand, the stability of the ankle joint and pubic symphysis on the pelvis is worse, coupled with the pressure of the fetus, the pubic joint gap is widened. In addition to affecting the appearance of the above changes, it is easy for the expectant mother to feel pain or pelvic pain near the groin when doing a twisting exercise such as turning or going upstairs, going to bed, getting off the bus or even walking.

14. Hand

Due to the influence of progesterone, the accumulation of water between cells is easy to cause upper limbs, especially hand edema, uterine compression of the main vein, discharge of excess fluid is blocked, and systemic edema is also caused. Edema is most pronounced during the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, and often hand massage can help reduce swelling. Generally, it will be swollen within 5 days after delivery. If you are swollen too much, it is best to consult a doctor.

15. Legs

The relaxation effect of progesterone on the blood vessel wall makes the venous valve closed insufficiently, affecting the return of blood to the heart, and it is most likely to form unsightly varicose veins in the leg. In addition, varicose veins may also occur in the head causing headaches, which occur in the rectum and cause acne. The prevention method is to fully drink water, especially to avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time. If you don't sleep on your back, don't pay * legs when you are sitting, don't take too long to go to the toilet. In addition, it is best to raise the calf when sitting down.

16. Oral

Gingival congestion, edema hyperplasia, easy gum bleeding in the morning brushing. The teeth are easy to loosen. In the past, this was thought to be caused by calcium deficiency. It is known that calcium in the teeth is static and is not affected by fluctuations in blood calcium. Pregnant women often have increased saliva, saliva PH value changes, pantothenic acid is easy to cause dental caries during pregnancy.

17. gastrointestinal

During pregnancy, as the uterus enlarges, the stomach is lifted, the intestines are pushed upwards or on both sides of the abdominal cavity, and the cecum and appendix are displaced outward and upward to reach the level of sputum. Once the intestinal and appendicitis lesions occur, the abdominal pain is not easy to contract with the contractions. Identification, easy to delay diagnosis. Due to the influence of a large number of hormones, the gastrointestinal smooth muscle tension is reduced, the peristalsis is reduced, weakened, the gastric emptying time is prolonged, and the upper abdominal fullness is felt, so the pregnant woman should prevent eating.

Intestinal peristalsis is reduced in pregnant women, but the absorption function of the small intestine has not changed. The increase in iron and calcium due to the increase in body requirements has led to an increase in absorption. The feces accumulate in the large intestine for a long time, and the water is gradually absorbed, causing the stool to dry and constipation. Constipation combined with increased uterine compression of the rectum, and the expansion of sex hormones on the smooth muscle of the blood vessel wall, can often cause hemorrhoids or make the original hemorrhoids worse.

18. Weight gain

The maternal body weight gain during pregnancy can reach about 12 Kg. Generally, the body weight is not obvious before 13 weeks of pregnancy. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, the average weekly increase is 350g until the full term, but the weekly weight gain is less than 500g. No recessive edema.

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