spinal shock


Introduction Spinal shock is also called ridge shock. When the spinal cord is disconnected from the high center, the phenomenon that the spinal cord temporarily loses its ability to reflect and enters an unresponsive state is called spinal shock. The animal whose spinal cord is separated from the high center is called a vertebrate. In spinal cord shock, the skeletal muscle tone reduced or disappeared in the spinal cord below the cross-section, peripheral vasodilation, decreased blood pressure, disappeared sweating, filled urine in the bladder, and accumulated feces in the rectum, indicating a decrease in the body and visceral reflexes of the vertebrate disappear. Spinal cord shock is a temporary phenomenon, and various reflexes can be gradually restored in the future. The speed of recovery is closely related to the evolution of animal species.



The occurrence of spinal shock is not due to the transection stimulus itself, because the second spinal cord cut does not recur the spinal shock. Therefore, the cause of spinal shock is due to the loss of the central nervous system's regulatory effects, especially from the cerebral cortex, vestibular nucleus and brain stem reticular formation. Under normal conditions, these parts are connected to the synapses formed by the spinal fibers by the descending fibers, which keep these spinal neurons in a subliminal state of excitement, which can be called facilitation. Due to the loss of this facilitation effect due to the transection of the spinal cord, the spinal neuron excitability is temporarily reduced as manifested as spinal shock.


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In spinal cord shock, the skeletal muscle tone reduced or disappeared in the spinal cord below the cross-section, peripheral vasodilation, decreased blood pressure, disappeared sweating, filled urine in the bladder, and accumulated feces in the rectum, indicating a decrease in the body and visceral reflexes of the vertebrate disappear. Spinal cord shock is a temporary phenomenon, and various reflexes can be gradually restored in the future. The speed of recovery is closely related to the evolution of animal species. Lower animals such as frogs can recover within a few minutes after the spinal cord is disconnected. In dogs, it takes several days, and monkeys take several weeks. In humans, the recovery of spinal shock due to trauma and other causes takes weeks to several years. month. The recovery time of various reflexes is also different. For example, the simpler reflex recovery such as flexor reflex and sacral reflex is the earliest, and then the more complex reflex recovery such as contralateral extensor reflex and sacral reflex, as well as urination and fecal reflex. Partial recovery.


Differential diagnosis

Spinal cord turbulence : loss of high-level neurological activity such as sensation, movement, and reflex below the plane of injury. The recovery of motor function after the concussion of the spinal cord is voluntary. Spinal cord shock is the loss of spinal nerve function below the level of damage. The spinal cord is the low-level reflex center. The nerve function of the spinal cord is low-level nerve reflex. In other words, the loss of spinal cord shock should be the low-level nerve reflex function of the spinal cord itself. After the spinal cord shock disappears, It is also often changed from soft palate to hard palate, which is caused by severe spinal cord injury caused by trauma, not by spinal cord shock.

Spinal cord compression: refers to a group of diseases caused by lesions of various natures that cause compression of the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots, and their supply vessels.

Spinal cord ischemia: A series of damaging biochemical changes caused by spinal cord ischemia will lead to intracellular calcium accumulation, increased oxygen free radical content, thereby damaging neurons in the spinal cord, causing irreversible damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord ischemia is less common than cerebral ischemia. The main reasons are: spinal arteriosclerosis is less than cerebral arteries; spinal cord blood supply network is abundant; spinal cord has strong tolerance to ischemia. Spinal cord ischemia caused by lesions in the spinal cord itself, the symptoms may be transient or permanent.

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