Adam's apple enlargement


Introduction The prominent laryngeal node is one of the male sexual characteristics. After men's puberty, due to the action of androgen, the laryngeal knot will protrude forward to different degrees. However, there are also a few girls who also have a laryngeal protrusion. The human throat consists of 11 pieces of cartilage as the scaffold. The most important one is the thyroid cartilage. At 2 months, the laryngeal cartilage begins to develop until 5 to 6 years after birth, and is still growing every year, but the growth of laryngeal cartilage is basically stopped during the period from 5 to 6 years old to adolescence. Therefore, the thyroid cartilage of the boy and the girl is the same. After entering puberty, the secretion of androgen is increased, which causes the male to have a larynx.



There are three reasons for the prominent throat of a girl:

1. Insufficient endocrine function: Everyone knows that the sex hormone in the female body is the estrogen, and the content of the male stimuli is extremely small. If the ovarian function is insufficient, or if the endocrine glands such as the pituitary gland and the adrenal gland have problems, the content of androgen in the body will increase. Therefore, the phenomenon of "successfulness" will occur, and masculinization such as prominent laryngeal nodes, hairy hair and thick voice will appear. Performance, at the same time, some of the characteristics that women should have are not obvious.

2. Genetic factors: The characteristics of the growth and development of the previous generation will be passed on to the next generation. Not only the height and shape, but also the shape of the eyes, the length of the nose, the height of the cheekbones, the size of the ears, and the shape of the breast will be inherited. Of course, it also includes the size of the larynx. The father's throat is particularly large and conspicuous. The daughter who is raised sometimes has a prominent throat.

3. Weight loss: Although the woman's throat is not as big and prominent as a male, but the woman who is too thin, because the fat and muscle tissue in the front of the neck is not developed, the throat will still appear to protrude forward. However, some adolescent girls have a physiological increase in the thyroid gland. This is because the metabolism is relatively strong, the iodine supply is insufficient, resulting in physiological relative iodine deficiency, which will disappear in the future. Because the enlarged thyroid is just below the larynx, it is often mistaken for the prominent laryngeal node.

It can be seen that the majority of the girl's long larynx is a manifestation of development. If only the larynx is enlarged without any abnormalities, or even caused by endocrine factors, then you don't have to worry about it, because it will not affect gender and future development. If it is caused by endocrine factors, as long as the cause can be found and the drug is prescribed, it can also alleviate the symptoms.


an examination

Related inspection

Breath test

1. Chest X-ray or CT scan to determine whether there is damage to the lung structure.

2. Indirect laryngoscopy and posterior nasal examination can sometimes find tuberculosis, laryngeal tuberculosis and nasopharyngeal tuberculosis.

3. Tuberculin, PPD (purified protein derivative) test, and erythrocyte sedimentation test are helpful for diagnosis.

4. Laryngoscope sees the vocal cord thickening, pink or white plaque, the surrounding tissue often has inflammatory reaction, mostly unilateral, can also affect the bilateral vocal cords, easy to relapse, have a tendency to malignant. Pathological biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.


Differential diagnosis

1. Laryngeal tuberculosis: Patients with laryngeal tuberculosis have different degrees of sore throat, and most of the lungs have tuberculosis lesions coexisting. The lesions are granular, pink or pale edema, often accompanied by shallow ulcers, covering purulent secretions, which are combined with the predilection of laryngeal tuberculosis, and laryngeal cancer is rare. Effective anti-caries treatment, biopsy cytology and secretion smears, looking for acid-fast bacilli to help diagnose.

2, nodular laryngitis (also known as vocal cord nodules): its performance as a small gap sound dumb, heavy at night, mild morning symptoms, dry throat, slight pain and increased throat secretion, occur before the vocal cords At the junction of 1/3 and 1/3 of the middle, the free edge symmetry mucosal nodule, edema-like, smooth surface, the size is rice-like, and the base is wider and congested. Symptomatic treatment: rest reduction of vocalization, aerosol inhalation, ultrashort wave therapy, appropriate antibiotic treatment, etc. The larger one must be removed under the laryngoscope.

3, laryngeal keratosis and laryngeal leukoplakia: its performance is dumb and throat discomfort, more than men in middle-aged men, laryngoscope see vocal cord thickening, pink or white plaque, surrounding tissue often inflammatory reaction, mostly Unilateral, can also affect the bilateral vocal cords, easy to relapse, have a tendency to malignant. Pathological biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.

4, laryngeal cancer papilloma: more common in young children, adults can be seen, is currently believed to be caused by viral infections, often complicated by skin spasm, no difference between men and women. Mainly manifested as dumb sound, laryngoscope see children in the throat of various parts of the disease, with pedicles, a wide base, showing cauliflower-like. Adults with a single pedicle, often in the vocal cords, activities are not limited, more males, limited lesions, pathological examination showed severe dysplasia, should be completely removed to prevent malignant transformation.

5, laryngeal amyloidosis: its clinical manifestations of mild sound dumb, sometimes wheezing-like breathing, lesions occur in the front of the glottis lower throat, can also occur in the room, vocal cords, single or multiple Nodules, or diffuse thickening of the mucosa, the vocal cords are rarely fixed, the course of disease is longer, the amyloid protein is positive for Congo red, and the diffuse lesions are sensitive to corticosteroids.

6, Wegener's granuloma: the clinical manifestations of this disease are not dumb, laryngeal ulcers, secondary infections, often accompanied by dyspnea, pathological tissue is necrotizing granulation, vasculitis and scattered giant cells and inflammatory cell infiltration. Often there are lung and kidney lesions. Need a pathological examination to confirm the diagnosis.

7, benign mixed tumor: the disease is rare, from the small parotid gland, in the epiglottis or glottic area. The surface mucosa is smooth, the boundary is clear, the tumor is solid, and the X-ray film on the lateral side of the neck sees the shadow of the smooth border. The pathological examination confirms the diagnosis.

8, thyroid gland thyroid gland: rare, for the embryonic thyroid cartilage longer than the trachea, occurs in the lower part of the trachea in the lower part of the trachea, the mass of the part of the tumor outside the trachea, mostly in endemic goiter in middle-aged women, performance For progressive dyspnea, the menstrual period is aggravated, the vocalization is normal, and the X-ray film sees soft tissue shadows protruding into the tracheal cavity. 131I scan showed iodine absorption in the tumor area.

9, laryngeal benign granulosa cell tumor: this occurs in 29-42 years old, the lesion is located in the vocal cords, there are many dull and dull symptoms, the smooth surface of the mucosa is less than 1cm in diameter, the boundary is unclear, the vocal cord activity is not limited, need to be diagnosed by pathological examination .

10, laryngeal cell tumor: this disease is rare, developed in middle-aged men, occurred in the various parts of the throat, with more epiglottis, vocal cords, ventricular band and throat. The performance is dumb, often accompanied by difficulty in breathing. The laryngoscope sees diffuse submucosal tumor infiltration in the larynx. The lesion often exceeds the larynx and involves the pharynx. Pathological biopsy has a differential significance.

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