Rainbow Vision


Introduction When a person is looking at the light, if there is a colored halo around the light, it is medically called "Hongvision." The so-called color halo, that is, the color halo and the like. The appearance of rainbow vision in front of the eyes is caused by the change of the diopter of the eyeball, which produces a spectroscopic effect. The white light emitted from the front is decomposed into a plurality of color components according to the wavelengths of various light contained therein, and thus a typical phenomenon occurs. Colored halo. Rainbow vision is a common symptom in eye diseases.



Rainbow vision is a common symptom in eye diseases, often the symptoms of the following eye diseases:

1. Conjunctivitis Since mucus secretions are applied to the surface of the cornea, rainbow vision can occur, and after the secretions are wiped off, the rainbow vision disappears. If there is blood, pus, small bubbles, etc. in the outer conjunctival sac, rainbow vision may also appear.

2. Keratitis Due to corneal epithelial damage and corneal edema, it can also cause rainbow vision.

3. Fascinitis Due to the accumulation of corneal endothelial cells, corneal hydration is destroyed, causing corneal epithelial edema, when there is a large bubble or vesicle-like appearance. Pigmentitis can have symptoms of rainbow vision.

4. Cataract Due to the water absorption and swelling of the radially arranged crystal fibers, the spectroscopic effect is caused.

5. Glaucoma glaucoma When the intraocular pressure is elevated, the cornea is overstretched, causing corneal edema. The patient sees a color halo around the incandescent light like a rainbow after rain (decomposing incandescent light into seven-color light), showing an arrangement of green and red outside. The order is called rainbow vision. Rainbow vision can be used as one of the important subjective indications for glaucoma diagnosis, called true rainbow vision. Because the lens is turbid, the cornea is thin, the cain is opacity behind the cornea, the chronic conjunctivitis or the meibomian gland is exuberant, the secretion is film-like on the cornea, causing the inflection and other factors caused by the "Hongvision" The rainbow vision caused by high intraocular pressure in glaucoma is essentially different, called pseudo rainbow vision.


an examination

Related inspection

Ophthalmoscopy eyelid examination and eyelid examination

In order to distinguish between physiological and pathological rainbow vision, the patient can view a light source through a narrow fissure, placing the fissure vertically and moving in front of the pupil, such as physiological lensic rainbow vision, during the movement of the fissure, rainbow Only partially visible, and its position changes as the slits move. When the fissure is located at the edge of the pupil, the horizontal radial fiber of the lens acts as a refraction, so a horizontal color arc is visible above and below. When the fissure is in the center of the pupil, the vertical fiber of the lens is refracted, and there is a section on both sides in the horizontal direction. Longitudinal color arc, and when the crack is located between the edge of the pupil and the center of the pupil, the oblique fiber of the lens acts as a refraction, and there may be a short oblique color arc in each of the upper right, lower right, upper left and lower left directions. . After removing the slit, the rainbow is restored to a circular shape. In the process of pathological rainbow vision, the color ring maintains a circular shape during the movement of the slit sheet, and only the color is slightly dark. In addition, normal people can also find rainbow vision when watching small and bright street lights in the fog. This is because there is more water in the air, which is the same as the rainbow that appears after the rain, and has no clinical significance.


Differential diagnosis

The difference between true and false rainbow vision:

1. The appearance of the rainbow vision is arranged in a spectrum (color ring).

2. Is the red and green color ring clear?

3. The time when the rainbow vision appears and the intraocular pressure at the time of appearance.

4. There is no corneal edema when the rainbow appears.

5. Whether there are symptoms associated with rainbow vision, such as eye swelling, nasal acid, fog and headache.

6. Can you make the rainbow disappear after using the mimetic medicine?

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