red nose


Introduction The nose is the main external organ of a person in breathing. It moisturizes and purifies the air that people inhale from the outside world and is the first defense barrier for many diseases. The occurrence of many diseases can also be reflected from the nose. The normal nasal color is the nose, the mountain is bright, the nose is bright, and the nasal mucosa is red and moist. Abnormal red nose is also a pathological condition, indicating a potential disease. The main manifestation is that the front end of the nose is red, the nose is long, the nose is hypertrophy, and some can occur around the cheeks, chin and mouth, and even the forehead. Most of them are sick in middle age, more women than men, but men are more important than women, which has a greater impact on appearance.



The cause is not fully understood, may be due to a variety of internal and external harmful factors, such as gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation, mental factors, hair follicle parasitism, infection, high temperature and cold stimulation, drinking and eating spicy spicy food Etc., the facial vascular motor nerve disorders, long-term expansion of capillaries.


an examination

Related inspection

External nose examination blood routine nasal examination nasal examination nasal endoscopy

The color of the nose is red, the lungs and the spleen are hot; the nose is slightly red and the main spleen is hot; the nose of the woman is red, and the menstruation should not be careful; the nose of the child is red and purple, and it is easy to suffer from swollen pus and blood; the nose is bright red. Found in erythrocytosis; nasal red, nasal dry, susceptible to nosebleeds; face yellow, nasal telangiectasia, congestion, bloodshot, mostly cirrhosis; nasal redness, are hot. The rosacea has a reddish nose and visible telangiectasia and hypertrophy. People who are not alcoholic in clinical practice will suffer from it. Drinking alcohol often worsens symptoms, such as spicy food, emotional agitation, endocrine disorders, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. According to the view of Chinese medicine, it can be divided into two situations. Patients with lung and stomach heat can be treated with Xinyi Qingfei Decoction, and those who drink alcohol and smoke can be treated with Longdan Xiegan Decoction. Some patients with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or abnormal liver function may also have red nose and should pay special attention. When there is a red plaque on the bridge of the nose and it is higher than the surface of the skin and spreads to the cheeks of both sides, it is suspected that systemic lupus erythematosus should be examined by immunological rheumatology. The outer edge of the nostrils is red, more common in intestinal diseases or congestive inflammation. Conversely, if the inner edge of the nostril is red and the septum is ulcerated, it is mostly syphilis.


Differential diagnosis

"Lingshu. Five Colors" records: "Five colors are determined by Mingtang, Mingtang, and nose." Mingtang is located in the middle of the face and is the standard for Chinese medicine. It is also called the face king. It concentrates on the essence of the five internal organs, its roots are the main heart and lungs, surrounded by six hexagrams, and the lower part should be reproductive. Therefore, the color of Mingtang and its surroundings can reflect the changes in the internal organs and the potential diseases. The nose is black and bright, with blood stasis, black and yellow nose, and the main spleen and fire.

The black hair of the nose is stopped in the water and gas, and the color is black and the coke is dry. It means that there are too many sexual intercourse, and it should be known that it is moderate. The male nose is black, the main abdominal pain, and the black under the person, the main penis testicular pain. Women's nose appears black, often the pain of the bladder uterus, if the black under the person, there may be vaginal discharge, the moon is not clean and other diseases. If the nostrils are dark and black, they are hot and deep, or dry and hot in the large intestine. The nose is black and floating, and it is a food that is gluttonous and unclean. Dark brown spots appear on the skin of the nose, and in addition to sun exposure, it may be pigmentation caused by liver disease. If the patient is chronically ill, the nose is as black as smoke, indicating that the condition is serious. The nose is black, and the left and right noses are dull and dull. It is a sign of danger. If the nose is white, it is common in qi deficiency, blood deficiency or blood loss. In children, it is spleen diarrhea and diarrhea. Nasal color white lung disease, such as cold sputum, chronic bronchitis, etc., nasal mucosa pale white main cold syndrome, mucous membrane flushing main internal heat. The nose is blue, and it is a stomachache and abdominal pain. The child's nose is dark, suggesting that the condition is heavier, or it is a severe cold pain; the nose is blue and yellow, and the complexion is dull, mostly liver disease. The nose is blue-yellow and more common in patients with gonorrhea. The color of the nose is yellow, there is damp heat inside, and there is cold in the chest. Cold food is less, so it is difficult to have stool, which is a disease of the large intestine. The nose is red, the main lung and spleen are hot. The nose is slightly red and the main spleen is weak. The woman's nose is red, so be careful not to have menstruation. Pediatric nose red and purple, easy to suffer from swollen pus and blood disease. The nose is bright red.

Can be seen in erythrocytosis. Nasal red, nasal dry, susceptible to nosebleeds. The face is blue and yellow, the capillaries of the nose are dilated, congested, and bloodshot, mostly cirrhosis. The nose is red and swollen and all are hot. The rosacea has a reddish nose and visible telangiectasia and hypertrophy. People who are not alcoholic in clinical practice will suffer from it. Drinking alcohol often worsens symptoms, such as spicy food, emotional agitation, endocrine disorders, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. According to the view of Chinese medicine, it can be divided into two situations. Patients with lung and stomach heat can be treated with Xinyi Qingfei Decoction, and those who drink alcohol and smoke can be treated with Longdan Xiegan Decoction. Some patients with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or abnormal liver function may also have red nose and should pay special attention. When there is a red plaque on the bridge of the nose and it is higher than the surface of the skin and spreads to the cheeks of both sides, it is suspected that systemic lupus erythematosus should be examined by immunological rheumatology. The outer edge of the nostrils is red, more common in intestinal diseases or congestive inflammation. Conversely, if the inner edge of the nostril is red and the septum is ulcerated, it is mostly syphilis.

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