

Introduction In the non-physical labor process, the normal working rules and living rules of the laborers are destroyed, the fatigue in the body accumulates and shifts to the overworked state, which causes the blood pressure to rise and the arteriosclerosis to increase, making the human health in an extremely unhealthy state. . It is now widely believed that overwork is caused by the continuous high-intensity of physical and mental energy caused by the overworked work of the workers, which seriously undermines the physiological laws and rhythms of the human body. The energy and resources in the body have a serious "fiscal deficit" and cannot make ends meet. Also because of the long working hours, labor intensity is too large, coupled with excessive psychological stress, long-term chronic fatigue, trapped in exhausted "sub-health" state, which induces sudden deterioration of the body's hidden diseases.



It is now widely believed that overwork is caused by the continuous high-intensity of physical and mental energy caused by the overworked work of the workers, which seriously undermines the physiological laws and rhythms of the human body. The energy and resources in the body have a serious "fiscal deficit" and cannot make ends meet. Also because of the long working hours, labor intensity is too large, coupled with excessive psychological stress, long-term chronic fatigue, trapped in exhausted "sub-health" state, which induces sudden deterioration of the body's hidden diseases.


an examination

Related inspection

Blood pressure, urine routine blood routine routine routine physical examination

(1) It has been a big belly in the 30s and 40s. Obesity is often associated with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, fatty liver, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

(2) serious hair loss. Every time you take a bath or comb your hair, you have hair falling off, especially when you are under stress and nervousness.

(3) frequent urination. Middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, if the frequency of urination is often more than normal, indicates that his urinary system has begun to decline.

(4) Sexual ability declines. If middle-aged people have symptoms such as loss of libido, impotence or amenorrhea, menopause, waist and knees, irritability, chills and cold, this is an early sign of physical decline.

(5) Memory loss. It's easy to forget the names of acquaintances and forget what to do.

(6) The mental arithmetic ability is getting worse.

(7) Frequent regret, irritability, irritability, pessimism, depression, etc., it is difficult to control their emotions.

(8) The concentration of attention is not concentrated, or the time to concentrate is getting shorter and shorter.

(9) Sleeping is not stable, and the quality of sleep is degraded. After waking up, the spirit is not good, still feeling tired.

(10) Frequent headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, irritability, depression, and no clear results when going to the hospital.


Differential diagnosis

Exercise fatigue is defined as: "The physiological process of the body cannot continue its function at a certain level or maintain the predetermined exercise intensity." Exhaustion is a special form of fatigue, which is to continue exercising during fatigue until the muscle or organ cannot Maintaining exercise is exhaustion.

Tension fatigue: A state of tension that is long-term under stress, causing the body to be in a sub-healthy state of fatigue, severely forming a tension-sleep disorder.

Emotional fatigue: refers to people who have been engaged in some monotonous and mechanical work activities for a long time. With the changes in the biochemistry of the body, the central nervous cells in the central region are inhibited due to continuous tension, resulting in a significant decrease in the enthusiasm and interest in work for life until Get bored. The main manifestation of emotional fatigue is behavioral change. Fatigue can occur in all parts of the body, from central cerebral cortical cells to basic contractile units of skeletal muscle.

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