itching of the glans


Introduction Itchy genital warts are usually caused by genital infections such as foreskin balanitis. Male patients will feel itchy or burning sensation at the itching of the glans, followed by pain. After purulent, it can pus and smell bad. In severe cases, there will be fatigue, low fever, swollen inguinal lymph nodes and tenderness. Some patients will scratch the glans due to itching, and the inflammation will make the disease more serious.



1, the glans pruritus is mainly considered by the foreskin balanitis. Inflammation caused by foreskin balanitis or fungal infection, etc., also caused by allergies to condoms, and other conditions such as: excessive foreskin due to long-term urine, smegma, chronic stimulation, can induce foreskin balanitis, so that the foreskin mucosa Edema, congestion, erosion, repeated cross-infection, and even foreskin incarceration.

2, skin allergies, environmental exposure and other factors. In general, patients with itchy itch are caused by bacterial infections, and the climate is humid. They usually do not pay attention to their own personal hygiene, causing infection and causing itching.


an examination

Related inspection

Genital herpes detection external genital examination

1. Do routine urine tests to find out if there is any infection in the urethra;

2, take urethral secretions to check for chlamydia and mycoplasma infection, to determine whether there is non-gonococcal urethritis;

3, prostate examination is a very important examination for patients with itchy itch, used to understand whether it is caused by prostatitis.

4, do smear examination, the inspection is caused by fungi or bacteria.


Differential diagnosis

Penile glans rubbery: penis, glans congestion, edema. According to the history of sexual contact before the onset, especially the history of unclean sexual intercourse, typical clinical manifestations and after a short incubation period, soft and flat papules, pustules, ulcers, unilateral suppurative lymphadenitis, direct mirror Detection and culture of Haemophilus ducrei detection, PCR detection of Haemophilus ducrei DNA, you can make a diagnosis.

Superficial ulcer of the penis: Penile ulcer is a localized defect of the surface of the penis skin, ulceration, and its surface is often covered with pus, necrotic tissue or molting.

Balanitis has the following clinical aspects

1, glans pruritus caused by acute superficial foreskin balanitis: local flushing at the beginning, the skin of the penis is red, swollen, consciously the glans have a burning and glans itching feeling. Open the foreskin, it can be seen that the inside of the foreskin and the glans are congested and smashed, with exudate and even bleeding. After the infection, small ulcers can be seen, and there is a stenchy milky white purulent secretion. If it is painful to rub with the underwear, the patient is often inconvenient and the glans is itchy. May be associated with swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes, tenderness and itching of the glans.

2, glans itching caused by ring-shaped ulcerative foreskin balanitis: in the glans and foreskin, visible erythema, gradually enlarged, ring-shaped, can form superficial ulcer surface and glans itching.

3, glans itching caused by Candida albicans balanitis: foreskin and glans visible erythema, smooth surface, and herpes simplex, the edge of erythema is clearer, acute erosion, exudate, glans itching.

4, glans itching caused by trichomoniae foreskin balanitis: glans from the pimples and erythema, gradually enlarged, the edge is clear, the erythema on the erythema of the size of the small blisters, the formation of erosion surface, glans itching.

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