migratory joint pain, swelling


Introduction Migratory joint pain, swelling refers to pain and swelling that can occur at different times and at different joints. Mainly found in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis affects joint symptoms of symmetry, persistent joint swelling and pain, often accompanied by morning stiffness. The main factors that cause rheumatoid arthritis are genetic, infection, immunity and sex hormones. Environmental quality, chemical fiber, hair dye and other factors can also induce rheumatoid arthritis. Weather changes do not induce joint pain, and patients who feel joint pain in a rainy day are only psychologically suggestive.



The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not clear, and it is generally considered to be closely related to factors such as heredity, environment and infection.

The main factors that cause rheumatoid arthritis are genetic, infection, immunity and sex hormones. Environmental quality, chemical fiber, hair dye and other factors can also induce rheumatoid arthritis. Weather changes do not induce joint pain, and patients who feel joint pain in a rainy day are only psychologically suggestive.


an examination

Related inspection

Joint examination of bone and joint soft tissue CT examination

Migratory rheumatoid

(1) Migratory: Early arthritis pain (no swelling) is more obvious, and the interval between walks is relatively short, mostly in 1 to 3 days, rarely more than 1 week. Once the joint has swollen, it will take more than one to three months to transfer to another symmetrical or asymmetrical joint. Subsequent recurring joint swelling is like a "relay race".

(2) Symmetry: The metastasis of arthritis is often symmetrical. Joint swelling is rarely asymmetrical. In addition to early migratory pain, single arthritis is rare.

(3) Mutual restriction phenomenon: After the first joint swelling is transferred to another joint, the swelling and pain of the joint is relieved faster (1 to 3 days), and it can completely disappear after several weeks to several months, and the newly developed joint swelling The pain is getting worse. The characteristics of mutual restraint are usually: the weight of the hand is light or opposite, the lower limbs are light or opposite, the left and right are light, the peripheral joints are light, the central axis is light, and the visceral lesions are heavy. But why is there such a mutual constraint is not yet known.

(4) Arthritis of the arthritis: The general rules and order of rheumatoid arthritis are: 1 finger (toe) joint - knee - - hip - shoulder - sternum, chest lock or temporomandibular joint. 2-knee-hand-hip joint. 3 wrist joints - knees - elbow - knuckles. 4 knee joint - - elbow joint. 5 ankle joint - knee - hip - wrist, knuckle. 6 hip joints - cervical vertebrae. 7 cervical vertebrae - knee - hip joint. 8 single joints - cervical vertebrae.


Differential diagnosis

Rheumatism is an unexplained joint pain that does not swell; rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to pain, must be accompanied by joint swelling.

Joint swelling and pain: refers to the swelling around the joints, flushing, fever and limited movement, which is the clinical manifestation of various diseases. In order to be able to select the clinic more accurately, it is necessary to analyze the patient's age, gender, medical history, long-term living environment, occupation and accompanying symptoms, and then make a preliminary judgment. Of course, the diagnosis is based on detailed physical examination and laboratory conditions.

Joint pain: When the pathological joint sounds are "snap", "snap" and pain, the clinically common diseases are meniscus injury, osteoarthrosis, etc. It is more common in the knee, ankle, hip, and shoulder joints.

Fever with joint swelling and pain can be found in sepsis, scarlet fever, brucellosis, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, connective tissue disease, gout and so on.

Local joint tingling: tingling is not necessarily bone hyperplasia. Generally, elbow joint hyperplasia is usually limited in stretching function, and may also be soft tissue injury, and possibly arthritis.

Joint swelling is more common in damaging synovitis, which is caused by acute trauma and chronic injury. When the knee joint is over-exercised for a long time, the synovial tissue is congested and edematous. The acute trauma includes knee sprain, meniscus injury, collateral ligament or cruciate ligament injury, intra-articular fluid or sometimes hemorrhage. Acute knee traumatic synovitis. Sometimes it can be caused by simple knee joint synovial injury, such as mild trauma, or chronic chronic knee strain. Coupled with wind, cold, and dampness, the knee joint gradually appears swelling and dysfunction, and chronic knee synovitis is formed.

Joint pain: In life, many people suffer from joint pain. There are many causes of joint pain. According to age, gender, site of onset, and symptom characteristics, soft tissue, cartilage, bone and inflammation can be summarized. Arthritis caused by any cause, such as timely medical treatment, symptomatic treatment, can generally cure or alleviate.

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