joint effusion


Introduction When the joint produces lesions or some systemic diseases occur, the joint fluid increases to form joint effusion, causing joint pain and discomfort. There is a small amount of joint fluid in the knee joint to nourish the articular cartilage, lubricate the joints, and reduce the friction during joint movement. The joint fluid is secreted by the synovial membrane, and the joint fluid continuously circulates and renews during joint movement. When the joint produces lesions or some systemic diseases occur, joint effusions are formed, causing joint pain and discomfort. When the joint fluid exceeds 10 ml, the floating raft test is positive.



Knee joint lesions: rheumatoid arthritis, senile osteoarthritis synovitis, advanced exfoliative synovitis, pigmented villonodular synovitis, knee synovial tuberculosis, knee synovial sarcoma, septic arthritis In the early stage, serous exudation may occur, and empyema may be caused in the late stage.

Systemic diseases: severe anemia, hypoproteinemia, chronic nephritis-induced renal effusion, hemophilic arthritis.


an examination

Related inspection

CT examination of bone and joint and soft tissue

1, the main manifestations of joint congestion and swelling, pain, difficulty in squatting, limited function.

2, MRI showed joint capsular effusion, and the possibility of combining osteoarthritis, meniscus injury and other diseases.

3, joint puncture drainage test, you can determine the nature of the effusion, such as bacterial, sterility, tuberculosis, blood and so on.

4, special physical examination, such as floating raft test.


Differential diagnosis

For patients with multiple knee joint effusions or repeated fluid accumulation, joint effusion examination can be done. When the joint effusion is more, the clinical examination is easy to detect, otherwise the diagnosis is difficult, and the contrast of the ultrasound imaging technology has its unique superiority.

1 Normal human knee joint cavity effusion no echo zone is less than 0. 2cm, more than 0.3cm can be considered to have knee joint effusion.

The incidence of knee joint effusion in patients with 2RA is high, and the change of fluid volume is related to ESR, which can be used as one of the observation indicators of disease changes.

Therefore, ultrasound imaging is a simple, non-invasive, fast and superior method for the diagnosis of knee effusion.

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