Quadriceps Injury


Introduction Due to the violent running or sudden kicking, the quadriceps contraction suddenly, or due to violent fights, squats, bumps, etc. acting on the front of the thigh, can cause quadriceps injury. After the quadriceps injury, local bleeding, swelling, and pain occur, which reduces the muscle contraction ability, thus affecting the flexion and extension function of the hip and knee joints. The quadriceps injury caused severe fracture, and even the upper edge of the quadriceps tendon was torn, and the periosteum of the tibia was also avulsed, which could produce periosteal hemorrhage, and the hematoma of the long-term hematoma occurred, calcification and ossification.



Severe running or sudden kicking, the quadriceps suddenly contract, or because of violent fights, squats, bumps, etc. in front of the thigh.


an examination

Related inspection

Limbs and joints of the extremities, electromyography, quadriceps muscle strength test, motor function test, hip and knee flexion test

Diagnostic points

1. There is a history of obvious trauma in front of the thigh.

2. Pain, swelling, and local tenderness.

3. Hip and knee joint dysfunction, walking and walking.

4. The hip flexion and extension knee quadriceps resistance test was positive.

5. If there is a break, the crack can be felt at the tearing part.

6. For a long time, the quadriceps muscles are weak or even atrophied.

7. There is no obvious abnormality in X-ray examination, but the fracture can be excluded.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of quadriceps injury:

1, femoral nerve damage: femoral nerve damage is part of the diabetic polyneuritis lesions, sometimes accompanied by other peripheral nerve damage. Diabetic patients may gradually have quadriceps atrophy, weak muscle strength and abnormal feeling of the thigh. It is suggested that the femoral nerve has been damaged.

2, local swelling and deformation of the thigh: local femoral swelling and deformation of the femur fracture, the lower limbs shortened, there are obvious abnormal activities and bone rubbing when moving.

3, thigh muscle atrophy: femoral head necrosis patients with thigh muscle atrophy is a common phenomenon, muscle atrophy varies in weight, most femoral head necrosis patients can recover from thigh muscle atrophy, but a few femoral head necrosis patients thigh muscle atrophy Life can not be restored, seriously affecting the walking distance of patients and the quality of life of patients. 100% of patients with advanced femoral head necrosis have varying degrees of thigh muscle atrophy in the affected limbs. The impact on the walking of patients with femoral head necrosis is very large, which directly limits the recovery of the thigh of the affected limb and limits the length of walking of the patient.

Diagnostic points

1. There is a history of obvious trauma in front of the thigh.

2. Pain, swelling, and local tenderness.

3. Hip and knee joint dysfunction, walking and walking.

4. The hip flexion and extension knee quadriceps resistance test was positive.

5. If there is a break, the crack can be felt at the tearing part.

6. For a long time, the quadriceps muscles are weak or even atrophied.

7. There is no obvious abnormality in X-ray examination, but the fracture can be excluded.

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