testicular atrophy


Introduction Testicular atrophy refers to a syndrome of men's testicles shrinking and softening, also known as "sub-wild", characterized by a case or bilateral testicular atrophy, characterized by small and soft, most of which can cause infertility, and more secondary to the parotid gland Inflammation or trauma, but also congenital. More due to lack of kidney gas, or caused by disease and evil damage. Congenital testicular dysplasia is not easy to cure, and secondary testicular atrophy also needs patient treatment. TCM syndrome differentiation can sometimes achieve certain effects.



Viral infection

Viral infection is the most common cause of testicular atrophy in children and adolescents, especially the mumps virus, commonly known as "sputum" disease. When the testes are attacked by the virus, the spermatogenic tissue in the testis is destroyed, the testicles are reduced in size, and the texture becomes soft.

Traditional underwear design is unreasonable

Because the man's body structure is very special, the expansion and contraction of the scrotum is to adjust the temperature of the testicles to 2-3 degrees below the body temperature, so in the summer, the scrotum will expand to a larger area than the winter to adjust the temperature. Moreover, because the special part is very important, the man's underwear actually affects the man's testicle shrinkage very much, but because the man's personality is more informal, the discomfort caused by the poor design of the underwear is often forbearing and negligent, resulting in all the existing market. Traditional male underwear has hidden shortcomings. For example, many underwears are double-layered in front of them. The JJ and the scrotum are tightly wrapped, which may lead to an increase in testicular temperature, which may lead to testicular atrophy. Especially in the summer, it causes the scrotum to be wet and the temperature to be in the high temperature for a long time. Over time, it will cause many related diseases of skin diseases and physiology. Underpants are the main reason and are often overlooked.


Impact damage occurred in the scrotum or testicular area, causing scrotal hematoma or testicular laceration. Even if the wound heals, the testicle will remain in a state of insufficient blood supply for a long time and atrophy will occur.


Severe orchitis, swelling and pain in the testicles can last for many days. Testicular tissue destruction due to bacterial invasion, leading to atrophy of testicular tissue.

Radioactive material impact

Those who have been exposed to radioactive materials for a long time, such as those who have been engaged in X-rays and isotopes for a long time, can cause testicular atrophy if they are not well protected.

Endocrine disease

The testis is an endocrine organ that produces androgens, and many organs that command endocrine organs, such as the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and hypothalamus, interfere with the function of the testes and cause testicular atrophy.

Drug influence

Long-term use of certain toxic drugs, such as arsenic, or repeated use of estrogens against androgen, such as acetaminophen, can cause testicular atrophy.


an examination

Related inspection

Urinary system CT examination testicular examination

In patients with testicular atrophy, one or both of the testicular atrophy can be seen clinically, both small and soft, and occasionally the texture is hard, or slightly painful. In addition, patients may have different degrees of secondary sexual dysplasia, if sexual breast development, puberty development is delayed, and even men's feminization. At present, the testicular volume is often measured by an internationally accepted high-volume volume measuring device. The Chinese testicular size ranges from 15 to 25, and clinically often diagnosed as "testicular atrophy" by less than 12th. In addition to measuring the size of the testicles, you must also pay attention to the texture of the testicles, such as the softness of the testis, indicating that the damage is more serious, and the semen examination is also helpful for diagnosis, but the most accurate method for diagnosing testicular atrophy is testicular biopsy. .


Differential diagnosis

Common symptoms of testicular atrophy include: atrophy of both testicles, small and soft, occasionally visible hard texture, or slight pain, need to be identified with the following symptoms.

Testicular hypoplasia: congenital testicular hypoplasia, also known as seminiferous tubule hypoplasia or primary small testicular disease or Klinefelter syndrome (Klinefelter syndrome). Described by Klinefelter, Reifenstein, and Albright in 1942, it is characterized by small testicles, no sperm, and increased gonadotropin in the urine. In 1959, Jacobs et al found that the patient's sex chromosome was 47,XXY, which is one more X chromosome than normal males. Therefore, this disease is called 47,XXY syndrome. The fundamental flaw is that males have one more X chromosome, and the common karyotype is 47, XXY or 46, XY/47, XXY.

Testicular micro: Testis is a male internal reproductive organ. Normal men have two testes, which are located on the left and right sides of the scrotum. The testes are oval and grayish white. Adult testes are 3.5-4.5 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, and 1-2 cm thick. Each testicle weighs 10-15 grams. Generally, the left side is about 1 cm lower than the right side. Some people have large and small testicles, one high and one low. If the difference is not big, it is normal.

Testicular pain: Testicular pain can be broadly divided into two situations, acute persistent pain and chronic recurrent pain, mostly caused by orchitis and injury, and testicular injury has a clear history of trauma.

No testicles: Testis is a male internal reproductive organ. Normal men have two testes, which are located on the left and right sides of the scrotum. Under normal circumstances, the testicles fall into the scrotum in the late stage of development of the fetus. However, common testicular diseases can lead to testicular insufficiency, testicular ectopic and testicular deficiencies, and no testicular symptoms, such as cryptorchidism, congenital testicular disease, dwarfism and so on.

Testicular pain: pain is more common in orchitis and injury. Orchitis is more common than blood. It is more common that bacteria pass through the urethra to the epididymis and testicles, causing epididymitis and orchitis. The epididymis and testicles are swollen and painful. There is a history of trauma and local swelling and congestion in the testicular injury. Strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse and violence can sometimes cause strong contraction of the cremaster muscle, which can cause the long testicles to twist and cause severe pain in the testicles. In the case of chronic pain, the lighter is prolonged. The pain is mild, generalized, and has radiation pain.

In patients with testicular atrophy, one or both of the testicular atrophy can be seen clinically, both small and soft, and occasionally the texture is hard, or slightly painful. In addition, patients may have different degrees of secondary sexual dysplasia, if sexual breast development, puberty development is delayed, and even men's feminization. At present, the testicular volume is often measured by an internationally accepted high-volume volume measuring device. The Chinese testicular size ranges from 15 to 25, and clinically often diagnosed as "testicular atrophy" by less than 12th. In addition to measuring the size of the testicles, you must also pay attention to the texture of the testicles, such as the softness of the testis, indicating that the damage is more serious, and the semen examination is also helpful for diagnosis, but the most accurate method for diagnosing testicular atrophy is testicular biopsy. .

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