Testicular infiltration


Introduction Human tissues are immersed in abnormal cells or body cells that should not appear under normal conditions, and some diseased tissues spread to the surrounding area. Excessive accumulation of substances in the cells or in the interstitium or accumulation of some of the original substances is also called infiltration. Some degeneration or deposition is also called infiltration. Testicular infiltration refers to the expansion of certain testicular tissues in the testicles, and the appearance of cells that should not appear. Many diseases can infiltrate the testes, and the more typical one is leukemia testicular infiltration.




Many diseases can infiltrate the testicles. The most common one is leukemia testicular infiltration. Leukemia cancer cells mainly infiltrate the testicular stroma and destroy the seminiferous tubules. Leukemia testis is often secondary to children with leukemia, the incidence of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia can reach 8%, in fact, the incidence of leukemia involving testicular is higher. Leukemia cancer cells mainly infiltrate the testicular stroma and destroy the seminiferous tubules. 50% of the cases are affected bilaterally, often accompanied by scrotal color changes.


an examination

Related inspection

Testicular examination scrotal ultrasound examination testicular biopsy bladder ultrasound examination of the prostate, seminal vesicles ultrasound examination

1, B-ultrasound or CT examination can be found that the testicles are infiltrated.

2, testicular leukemia can be without any performance in the early stage, only found in testicular biopsy. Obvious testicular leukemia patients with painless swelling, local hardening, can be nodular, scrotal skin color changes, mostly brown-black or blue-black, negative light transmission test.

3, most of the testicular swelling is unilateral, it can also be bilateral swelling, even if the unilateral enlargement, the other side usually has sub-clinical microscopic changes. Therefore, testicular leukemia often invades both testes. In addition, a small number of patients may have testicular swelling with pain and falling.

4. Early diagnosis of testicular leukemia is difficult. For patients with acute leukemia, especially in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, when there is testicular swelling, such as pathologically confirmed leukemia cell infiltration can be diagnosed. If tissue examination fails, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase staining and electron microscopy can be used, which is helpful for the diagnosis of some small testicular infiltrates.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of testicular infiltration:

1, testicular lymphoma: testicular lymphoma is relatively rare, accounting for about 5% of testicular tumors. DoLL et al. summarized 7743 testicular tumors, of which 360 were primary malignant lymphomas of the testis, accounting for 4.6%. The disease is the most common testicular tumor in the age group over 60 years old.

2, orchitis: Orchitis is usually caused by bacteria and viruses. The testicle itself rarely develops bacterial infections. Because the testicles are rich in blood and lymph supply, they are more resistant to bacterial infections. Bacterial orchitis is mostly caused by inflammation of the adjacent epididymis, so it is also called epididymis-orchitis. Common pathogens are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and the like. The virus can directly invade the testis, and the most common is mumps virus. This pathogen mainly invades the parotid gland of children and causes "big mouth" disease. However, this virus is also hobby to invade the testis, so it is often in the onset of mumps. Shortly after, viral orchitis appeared.

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