Anal nipple hypertrophy


Introduction Because the anal sinus is the anal nipple on both sides, the anal sinus first affects the anal nipple after inflammation, causing anal milk inflammation, swelling and hypertrophy.



The cause of the disease is caused by inflammation of the anal sinus. After the anal sinus inflammation, it first affects the anal nipple, causing anal milk inflammation, swelling and hypertrophy.


an examination

Related inspection

Anal finger examination anal inspection

Symptoms of anal papillary hypertrophy:

Clinically, due to the location of anal papilloma, the clinical manifestations are not the same. However, the general symptom is that when there is a small hard mass or mass around the rectum, the sudden local severe pain is unbearable, redness and fever, bulging discomfort, restlessness, urgency, constipation, poor urination. There are symptoms of rectal irritation. And then there are symptoms of systemic poisoning such as elevated body temperature, loss of appetite, chills, and fatigue.

Generally, an abscess can be formed in about 1 week, and a fluctuating, soft abscess can be touched around the anus or in the rectum. At this point, the pus can be withdrawn by a puncture with a syringe. If the pus is treated by incision, or after pus, the symptoms such as local pain will be relieved or disappeared, the body temperature will drop, and the general condition will improve. The above are the main symptoms of bacterial infection causing an abscess around the anorectal.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of anal papillary hypertrophy:

Anal canal polyps: anal canal polyps are actually anal papillary hypertrophy. The part connecting the anal canal and the rectal column has a triangular papillary bulge called an anal papilla. The main physiological function of the rectal anal canal is defecation. Rectal polyps generally refer to the bulging lesions protruding from the surface of the rectal mucosa to the intestinal lumen. Pathologically, the nature is different, there are benign tumors, and there are inflammatory changes. It is generally believed that colorectal cancer is derived from polyps, so polyps are precancerous. Early removal of polyps can reduce the incidence of cancer.

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