Anal sphincter relaxation


Introduction Anal sphincter relaxation is that the anorectal ring does not have enough control on the stool, which can easily cause fecal incontinence. More common in the elderly and inferior and anorectal surgery on the anorectal ring surgery injury. Mainly manifested as anal incontinence, leakage of large intestine fluid, wet perianal.



Anal sphincter relaxation is more common in elderly and inferior and anorectal surgery on the anorectal ring, which is rare in young people. Most of the young people are injured by spinal injury and injured by nerve or anus surgery, trauma caused by anal sphincter. Caused by damage. Of course, there are other factors, such as anal sex, childbirth, acne, etc., which can cause anal sphincter relaxation.


an examination

Related inspection

Anal finger examination anal inspection

Clinical examination:

1, the main manifestations of anal incontinence, leakage of large intestine fluid, wet perianal.

2, anal pain after injury, anal sphincter relaxation, often feces outflow, pollution. In the case of a long time, there is a serious infection in the local area, and deep cellulitis of the gluteus maximus is seen.

3, where there is a history of trauma to the anus, and anal pain, bleeding, anal incontinence, difficulty in defecation, should be suspected of anal canal injury. Anal finger examination found that the blood of the finger, the sphincter tension decreased or relaxed, the anal canal wall was damaged and emptiness can be diagnosed.


Differential diagnosis

It should be differentiated from the anorectal ring contraction in the anal relaxation. The same belongs to the anal slack. Anal relaxation, contraction of the anal canal sphincter and anorectal ring contraction is not obvious and completely disappeared, if caused by injury, the anus can be scarred and scar tissue, incomplete incontinence can be diagnosed and the sphincter contractility is weakened. Common in anal incontinence.

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