liver lobe atrophy


Introduction The liver is divided into left and right leaves. The "hepatic leaf atrophy" refers to B-ultrasound or CT detection. The size of the liver is reduced. If the whole liver is reduced in size, it belongs to the "bulging" of traditional medicine. Modern medicine is characterized as "cirrhosis". There are no other effective treatments other than liver transplantation at home and abroad. However, liver transplantation is to find the right source of liver, second, strong rejection after surgery, and third, it will cause pain and permanent scars to the donors and patients. Fourth, the cost is high, and the general civilian patients are weak. Tolerance has caused countless patients to die because of the lack of money to change the liver, so it is imperative to seek a simple, scientific and economical method for treating liver atrophy that is acceptable to many civilian patients.



The cause of this is mostly due to liver ischemia and bile duct blockage, the most common such as intrahepatic bile duct stones lead to liver atrophy. Some patients have liver cirrhosis, liver structure destruction, and reconstruction can also cause liver atrophy. A large number of causes of acute hepatocyte necrosis or severe organ dysfunction in hepatocytes, and a rapid development in a short period of time to a clinical syndrome of hepatic encephalopathy, caused by hepatitis virus, clinical score in viral hepatitis Also known as fulminant hepatitis or acute severe hepatitis.


an examination

Related inspection

Liver function test, a kind of fetal globulin test, organ angiography, tumor contrast angiography

Proteins related to liver function include serum total protein, ratio of albumin to globulin, serum turbidity and flocculation test, and alpha-fetoprotein test. Serum enzymes related to liver disease include alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alkaline. Phosphine and lactate dehydrogenase, etc., related to biotransformation and excretion have sulfonium bromide sodium retention test.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of hepatic lobe atrophy:

(1) It needs to be differentiated from chronic hepatitis, primary liver cancer, liver hydatidosis, clonorchiasis, chronic leukemia, and hepatolenticular degeneration.

(2) need to be differentiated from cardiac dysfunction, kidney disease, tuberculous peritonitis, constrictive pericarditis.

(3 should be differentiated from malaria, chronic leukemia, schistosomiasis.

(4) should be differentiated from peptic ulcer, erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, gastric cancer and blood, acute gastric mucosal lesions, and cardia tear.

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