obesity edema


Introduction Edema is the accumulation of excessive body fluid in the extravascular tissue space, which is one of the common clinical symptoms. Edema associated with obese patients is called obesity edema. Obesity edema not only makes people look bloated and obese, but also often looks tired and more directly affects endocrine. This edema is mainly caused by an increase in subcutaneous fat in obese people, which can weaken the support of superficial veins and make the superficial veins easily expand. Increased capillary permeability, capillary basement membrane damage, excessive or relatively large venin, caused by venous return obstruction.



Experts pointed out that this edema is mainly caused by increased subcutaneous fat in obese people, which can weaken the support of superficial veins and make the superficial veins easy to expand. Increased capillary permeability, capillary basement membrane damage, excessive or relatively large venin, caused by obstruction of venous return, combined with obesity, do not like activities, reducing the role of muscle movement in assisting venous return, so that Lower extremity venous pressure increased, capillary filtration pressure increased, interstitial fluid gradually accumulated, and slowly formed edema.


an examination

Related inspection

Serum osteocalcin (BGP) capillary fragility test

The areas prone to edema are generally the eyelids, insteps, ankles and calves, and the edema in the body is mainly caused by poor circulation of cells, poor accumulation of water in the body, or excessive eating habits. The phenomenon is that it looks puffy, loose and easy to cold.

Mainly manifested as the following symptoms: appetite is general, but the hands and feet are weak, do not like sports, after eating, the body is soft and wants to lie down, the mouth is sticky, the urine is impassable, easy to be bad, and the eyes are swollen in the morning.


Differential diagnosis

The disease should be identified in the following symptoms:

1. Idiopathic edema: Almost exclusively in women, often associated with the menstrual cycle, is considered a response to endocrine disorders. This type of edema is more common in middle-aged women. It has obvious positional adaptability and often occurs in the lower limbs. It often appears when standing upright, walking or tired, and gradually subsides after lying down or sleeping.

2. Menstrual edema: more common in middle-aged women, and has a significant relationship with the menstrual cycle, starting in the beginning of menstruation 7-14 days, first for the eyelids, and later increased, can spread to the whole body. The base weight can be increased by 1-3 kg in about 10 days. When menstruation comes, there is an increase in urination, while edema and other accompanying symptoms are significantly reduced or even subsided.

3. Pregnancy edema: In the middle and late pregnancy, some pregnant women often have different degrees of lower extremity edema, which is light in the morning and heavy in the evening. This is mainly due to the increased uterus compression of the pelvic vein caused by venous return disorder of the lower extremity. Raise the lower limbs, rest in the flat, and the edema often resolves on its own.

4. Senile edema: When people reach old age, heart, liver and kidney function decline, blood vessel wall permeability increases, often causing lower extremity edema.

5. Obesity edema: more common in obese women, edema in the lower limbs. Obese people are prone to edema due to vascular characteristics. The clinical manifestations were mild concave edema, sometimes more and more, lasting for many years, and no other abnormal signs were found in all aspects.

6. Excessive edema: long-distance ride or long-term walking, some of the limbs below the knee joint are vertical for a long time, causing edema. This is due to the obstruction of the venous return due to the heavy cause, and the increase in the capillary filtration pressure of the extremities.

7. Drug-induced edema: Edema occurs after administration and disappears shortly after stopping the drug. For example, testosterone, estrogen, insulin, cortisone, prednisone, indomethacin, etc., can cause water and sodium retention and lead to edema, which is related to the body's reaction characteristics.

8. Hyperthermia edema: clinically more common in women, edema occurs in summer or high temperature environment, can be repeated for many years. Edema is usually in the hands and feet, with a slight depression, accompanied by fatigue, anorexia, etc., after leaving the high temperature environment or after the summer, the edema itself subsides.

9. Insomnia edema: Some people with severe insomnia, because they can't sleep for a long time at night, they often appear in the face, eyes, hands and so on after the morning wake up. Usually a little activity, edema can disappear on its own.

10. Take too much salt and edema: People who eat too much salt on weekdays and drink plenty of water after a meal can easily cause a large amount of water and sodium in the body to cause edema.

11. Morning eyelid edema: During sleep, the eyelid activity is reduced, the blood flow is slow, and the liquid leaves the blood vessel and enters the loose tissue in the eyelid to cause edema.

12. Causes Unexplained edema: Usually referred to as "functional edema", it is clinically possessed in a certain number, both male and female, and more common in women. Edema is often limited to the lower limbs and eyelids, or extended to systemic, but the degree of edema is mild or moderate, intermittent or lasting for several years, and there is no organic disease at all.

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