repeated colds


Introduction Repeated cold refers to the recurrence caused by the pathogen that was last cleaned without being completely cleaned. Objectively speaking, more than 90% of the pathogens causing the common cold are viruses, and there are many types of viruses. For example: rhinovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus and so on. Every time a cold, although people are feeling cold, but in fact, infections caused by different viruses, it is manifested as repeated colds. Repeated colds are more common in children and physically weak.



1. Poor living environment, air pollution, passive smoking, etc. Polluted air enters the respiratory tract and affects the ventilation function of the lungs.

2. The lack of vitamins and trace elements, such as the lack of calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin AD, etc., can lead to malnutrition and decreased resistance.

3. Congenital diseases, such as congenital heart, congenital lung dysplasia. Some doctors or parents have not checked the child in detail and will miss the diagnosis.

4. Immunodeficiency disease, such children are congenitally deficient in some antibodies or synthetases. In the clinic because the laboratory items are not complete. The general hospital can't check it out.

5. Abuse of antibiotics, and repeated replacement, resulting in drug resistance, and disrupted some balance of the human body.

6. The course of treatment is not enough, stop the drug without authorization, and stop the medicine when the fever is gone. The bacteria are in an insidious state for a long time. Once caught cold, it is easy to cause disease.

7. Abuse of hormones, some parents do not understand the mechanism of fever. I cant wait for the medicine to get sick. Some doctors are impatient with parents. Or fear of losing trust in yourself and losing the sick. The hormone is given to the child, and over time, the child has a dependence. Immune function is also affected.

8. Clinical misdiagnosis, clinically, infant asthma, especially a cough variant asthma, is most likely to be misdiagnosed. The child's performance is very similar to a cold or pneumonia. Cold coughs occur repeatedly and are always treated as colds. The effect is temporarily relieved. In addition, tuberculosis has also increased in recent years.

9. Bad habits. It is easy to induce a cold if some children who eat before going to bed or hold a bottle to sleep are also likely to be caught. Milk is the best medium for bacteria. Children who don't brush their teeth or gargle are the most prone to inflammation.


an examination

Related inspection

Blood routine parasitic infection immunoassay

Leukocytes are low and early neutrophils are slightly elevated. The total number of white blood cells and neutrophils in the combined bacterial infection can be increased.

First, the blood

For viral infections, the white blood cell count is normal or low, and the proportion of lymphocytes is elevated. Bacterial infections have white blood cell counts and neutrophil enlargement and nuclear left shift.

Second, the determination of virus and virus antigen

Immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological diagnostics, and virus isolation and identification can be used as needed to determine the type of virus and distinguish between viral and bacterial infections. Bacterial culture determines the type of bacteria and drug susceptibility test.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of repeated colds:

First, allergic rhinitis

Clinically, it is very similar to "cold". The different patients have acute onset, itchy nose, frequent sneezing, and clear watery nose. The attack is related to the environment or temperature change. Sometimes abnormal smell can also occur. After several minutes to 1-2h. get well. Examination: pale nasal mucosa, edema, and smears of nasal secretions showed eosinophilia.

Second, influenza

Often there is a clear popularity. The onset is urgent, the systemic symptoms are heavier, high fever, body aches, and conjunctival inflammation are obvious, but the symptoms of the nasopharynx are mild. Smear specimens of mucosal epithelial cells in the nasal wash of the patient were stained with fluorescently labeled influenza virus immune serum and examined under a fluorescent microscope to facilitate early diagnosis, or virus isolation or serological diagnosis.

Third, acute infectious disease prodromal symptoms

For example, measles, poliomyelitis, encephalitis, etc. often have upper respiratory symptoms in the early stages of the disease, and should be closely observed in the epidemic season or epidemic areas of these diseases, and necessary laboratory tests should be carried out to distinguish them.

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