

Introduction In the auditory system, the auditory nerve and the auditory conduction pathways in the auditory system and the auditory conduction pathways occur in the auditory nerve and the central nervous system, causing hearing dysfunction and varying degrees of hearing loss, collectively referred to as deafness. Deafness is clinically divided into conductive sputum caused by external and middle ear lesions, neurological spasm caused by inner ear and auditory neuropathy, mixed convulsion caused by external middle ear lesion and middle ear auditory nerve common lesion. There are many causes of deafness. Genetic, birth injury, infection, improper application of drugs, immune diseases, deterioration of physiological functions, and poisoning of certain chemicals can cause deafness. Patients with deafness should be detected early, diagnosed early, and treated early. For conductive sputum, mixed sputum, it is necessary to find out the cause of thorough treatment, improve the inner ear environment and sound transmission function, and maximize the recovery of hearing.




Noise is an important factor directly causing hearing loss and an important cause of deafness. If you work or live in a high-decibel noise environment for a long time, the auditory cells will gradually be damaged. In the long run, tinnitus and hearing loss will occur.

2. Trauma

In people's daily life, there are some external injuries, which may be car accidents, direct damage, severe vibrations, etc., which may cause damage to tissues and organs in the ear.

3. Pressure

The accumulation of excessive stress is an important reason for sudden deafness in many people in today's society. Stress, fatigue, etc. may cause the body's immunity to decline, endocrine disorders, local vascular congestion and other conditions, may cause local hypoxia and ischemia, if it occurs in the ear will affect the tissue function of the ear, affecting hearing.

4. Drugs

Ototoxic drugs are an important factor in deafness. Medical research has shown that aminoglycans are common in drugs that cause deafness, as well as anti-tumor drugs, diuretics, anti-inflammatory painkillers, and the like.

5. Some diseases of the ear

Such as otitis media, acoustic neuroma, etc. are important causes of direct deafness or partial hearing loss.


an examination

Related inspection

Audiogram audio test

Tuning fork check

It is the most common method for identifying the nature of deafness.

2. Subjective hearing detection technology

It mainly includes pure tone hearing threshold test and speech test for adults, and is used for children's pediatric behavior test and children's speech test. Auditory sensitivity and assessment of daily communication skills can be tested by subjective responses of patients. Objective detection techniques mainly include acoustic impedance test, auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic emission test, and 40 Hz event-related potential. The auditory steady-state evoked potential has the characteristics of rapid, non-invasive, good frequency specificity, good correlation with behavioral hearing threshold, objective test method and objective judgment. When the modulation frequency is >60Hz, it is not affected by the wake-up state, and it is an ideal diagnostic method for hearing loss in children, especially infants.

3. Imaging

It also contributes to the diagnosis of sensorineural deafness. In recent years, research hotspots on auditory and imaging have focused on functional imaging technology. Its characteristics reflecting vital signs are different from structural imaging, including functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Functional magnetic resonance imaging can observe the activity of human brain under awake state, can directly reflect event-related brain function changes, has high spatial resolution, no radiation damage, and can be used for sensorineural hearing loss in adults and children. In recent years, SilentfMRI technology has become the first choice and main means to study the function of auditory conduction pathway, and hope to provide new ideas for clinical diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of prognosis. Positron emission tomography can detect human function and diagnose diseases from the gene, molecule and overall level earlier, accurately, quantitatively and objectively.


Differential diagnosis

Attention should be paid to the identification of conductive deafness and neurological deafness.

Conductive deafness: Hearing impairment caused by external or middle ear lesions is called conductive deafness.

Neurological deafness: Neurological deafness refers to the disease of the inner auditory nerve and the auditory center of the brain, which causes hearing loss and even hearing loss, often accompanied by deafness.

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