hard pimple in earlobe


Introduction It is caused by the sebaceous gland pores of the skin being blocked and the sebaceous gland secretions being unable to be discharged and gradually expanding. This is the most common type of benign skin tumor, namely powder tumor. Many people have had the experience of long powder tumors, especially young people who are in a period of vigorous growth. Sebaceous gland cysts are mostly single, occasionally multiple, round in shape, medium or elastic, higher than the leather surface, smooth surface, feel connected to the surface when pushed, but no adhesion to the substrate, no fluctuation. Sebaceous gland cysts are often complicated by infection, causing the cyst to rupture and temporarily subside, but it forms scars and is prone to recurrence.



It is a cyst formed by the sebaceous gland pores of the skin being blocked and the sebaceous gland secretions being unable to be excreted and gradually expanding.


an examination

Related inspection

General examination of the ear ear examination

Sebaceous gland cysts are mostly single, occasionally multiple, round in shape, medium or elastic, higher than the leather surface, smooth surface, feel connected to the surface when pushed, but no adhesion to the substrate, no fluctuation. The skin color may be normal or it may be light blue. When the temperature is too fast, the skin on the surface may be bright. Sometimes there is an opening in the surface of the skin from which the white bean curd-like contents can be squeezed out. This opening is the opening to the sebaceous gland on the surface of the skin, which is caused by insufficient length of the catheter. Sebaceous gland cysts are often complicated by infection, causing the cyst to rupture and temporarily subside, but it forms scars and is prone to recurrence. The chance of carcinogenesis of sebaceous cysts is extremely rare.


Differential diagnosis

It should be distinguished from the following two symptoms:

1. Lotion of the earlobe: Attachment of the earlobe means that the earlobe is pulled downward or backward, and visible scars are visible. It is a clinical manifestation of the earlobe deformity.

2. The earlobe acne: The earlobe capillary network is rich and the blood circulation speed is relatively slow, so the dead cells that fall off the inner wall of the blood vessel often flow through here and can no longer continue to circulate, thus causing a certain segment of capillaries to block and cause local Non-infectious inflammation, resulting in a small pox inside the earlobe.

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