Childhood phobia disorder


Introduction Children's horror disorder refers to children's excessive fear and anxiety about the general objective things and situations in daily life. Terrorism disorder is not equal to phobia. It is a kind of emotional experience that is common in the process of normal children's psychological development. It is a normal psychological reaction of children to the surrounding objective things, and it is also the most common psychological phenomenon in childhood.



The causes of emotional disorders in children and adolescents are generally due to persistent stress. Parental disharmony, separation, death of relatives, disputes between family members, and inappropriate educational methods such as frequent snoring, intimidation, threats, or other stressful events can have varying degrees of emotional impact on children's emotions. In a slightly older child, the proportion of social and environmental factors will increase, such as excessive learning burden, interpersonal conflicts, and changes in mind and body caused by growth and development.

Genetic factors, personality traits, and physical state also play an important role in emotional responses.


an examination

Inferiority, embarrassment, excessive shyness, social withdrawal, anxiety, easy crying, excessive sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, depression, persistent sadness, etc. Most children's emotional disorders are exaggerated of normal developmental tendencies, and their nature is not absolutely abnormal.


Differential diagnosis

1. Social sensitivity disorder

Most of them are seen in children aged 5 to 7 years old. They mainly show excessive sensitivity, nervousness, timidity, shyness, and retreat when they are in contact with their surroundings. Therefore, they are reluctant to go to a strange environment and fear to go to public places or schools.

2, child obsessive

More common, repeated, rigid obsessive or forced actions, such as excessive washing hands, repeated checks of their behavior, meaningless counting, sorting order, repeated recalls of what they have just done or considering some meaningless things. The child knows that these thoughts and actions are unnecessary and meaningless, but they cannot restrain themselves.

3, children with hysteria

Common in young children, women are more common than men. Family disharmony, improper educational methods, and excessive parental love and protection of children can easily lead to cancer in children. Children with low levels of education and family economics, or local customs and superstitions, are also prone to cancer. The type of clinical seizure form is basically the same as that of adults. One type is a somatoform disorder, which refers to a movement that is non-organic. Sensory or autonomic symptoms, called conversion reactions; the other is separation, manifested as paroxysmal sputum, emotional outbursts, behavioral abnormalities, etc., and the interictal interval is normal. As you age, your performance is similar to adulthood.

4, childhood depression

It is a core symptom that occurs in childhood with unsatisfactory mood, low mood, sad crying, decreased interest, reduced activity, dullness, less speech, insomnia, loss of appetite. A few cases can be associated with other bad behavior. This disease occurs mostly in adolescence, the cause is not clear, may be caused by multiple factors, including genetic factors, biochemical metabolic defects and environmental factors. The diagnostic criteria for childhood depression, according to Weinberg, summarize the following four points:

(1) Poor mood and low self-assessment.

(2) Two or more of the following eight symptoms:

1 attack behavior.

2 sleep disorders.

3 Reduced contact with other people.

4 do not want to go to school.

5 results fell.

3 body complaints.

1 lack of energy.

3 appetite and / or weight changes.

(3) These symptoms can indicate that the child's behavior changes more than usual.

(4) Symptoms last at least 1 week.

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