Partial excision of inferior turbinate

In patients with chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, partial inferior turbinate resection and inferior turbinate resection are not uniform in the literature, and more advocated less resection to avoid atrophic rhinitis. The more the inferior turbinate is removed, the greater the potential risk of nasal mucosal atrophy. Explain that the inferior turbinate resection should ensure that the symptoms are improved, and the resection should be less. Treatment of diseases: chronic rhinitis atrophic rhinitis Indication Inferior turbinate hypertrophy, when other treatments are ineffective. Contraindications Excision of the inferior turbinate should not be excessive, so as to avoid the nasal cavity is too wide, forming atrophic rhinitis, causing nasal scarring, stinky, and increasing patient suffering. If the ventilation is still not smooth after healing, reoperation may be considered. Preoperative preparation Trim the nose hair and clean the nose. The lower turbinate mucosa of the lesion was sprayed with 1% ephedrine, and the surgical method was determined according to the degree of mucosal contraction. Surgical procedure According to the degree of mucosal hypertrophy, there are two surgical methods. If the hypertrophy is serious, the mucosa can not be preserved, and the inferior turbinate is partially resected; the following turbinate hypertrophy can be used for submucosal partial resection when the bone hyperplasia is dominant. (A) partial inferior turbinate resection: take a semi-recumbent position or sitting position. Cut the hypertrophic mucosa at the front of the inferior turbinate with a turbinate scissors, and then use a snare to cover the back end of the thick inferior turbinate, and cut it together with the cut portion. After stopping bleeding with an adrenaline cotton sheet, the nasal cavity was blocked with an iodoform gauze strip. (B) submucosal partial resection of the inferior turbinate: a small incision in the front of the left inferior turbinate, deep into the inferior turbinate bone, thereby inserting a nasal scissors, cutting the lower edge of the inferior turbinate to form the inner and outer side flaps, and separating the inferior turbinate Bone, using bone scissors to remove hyperplastic bone. And press the degree of turbinate hypertrophy, the lateral flap is cut off as a strip wedge. After hemostasis, the inner and outer flaps of the lower turbinate are closed and sutured. If suturing is not possible, it can be directly blocked with Vaseline gauze or iodoform gauze, allowing it to heal itself. complication 1. Bleeding: After surgery, a small amount of bloody secretions can be exuded from the front nostrils and stopped after 12 to 24 hours. If there is blood flowing out continuously, or there is bleeding in the back nostrils, it means that the blockage is not tight enough, and it needs to be re-occluded or the nose is blocked. 2. The mucosa is swollen and the wound is large, and adhesion is easy to occur. Nasal examination should be performed daily. If necessary, plastic film or gelatin sponge should be placed between the nasal septum and the turbinate. Once adhesion occurs, the adhesion should be separated and then plastic film should be used. Separated.

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