sebaceous cyst excision

Sebaceous gland cysts, commonly known as "powder tumors", refer to the formation of cysts in the glands due to the accumulation of sebaceous glands after obstruction of the sebaceous gland ducts. This is the most common kind of benign tumor of the skin. Many people have had the experience of long powdery tumors, especially those who are in a period of strong growth and development. Sebaceous cysts occur in the scalp and face, followed by the trunk. Because of their different shades, the contents are different, so their sizes vary and the gap is large, such as the size of rice grains and large eggs. Often diagnosed as lipoma, fibroids and so on. Sebaceous gland cysts grow very slowly, but patients can still feel that they are gradually increasing. Sebaceous gland cysts are mostly single, occasionally multiple, round in shape, medium or elastic, higher than the leather surface, smooth surface, feel connected to the surface when pushed, but no adhesion to the substrate, no fluctuation. The skin color may be normal or it may be light blue. When the temperature is too fast, the skin on the surface may be bright. Sometimes there is an opening in the surface of the skin from which the white bean curd-like contents can be squeezed out. This opening is the opening to the sebaceous gland on the surface of the skin, which is caused by insufficient length of the catheter. Sebaceous gland cysts are often complicated by infection, causing the cyst to rupture and temporarily subside, but it forms scars and is prone to recurrence. The chance of carcinogenesis of sebaceous cysts is extremely rare. Surgery is the only treatment for sebaceous cysts. During surgery, the skin associated with the cyst can be placed, especially when the catheter opening is seen, and a fusiform skin incision is designed along the dermatoglyphic direction, along with the cyst. Care should be taken when separating, the walls of the capsules are very thin and should be removed as completely as possible. If the wall of the capsule remains, it is prone to recurrence. If there is inflammation, such as redness, heat and pain before surgery, the inflammation should be controlled first, and surgery should be arranged later. Treatment of diseases: sebaceous gland cyst surgical sebaceous cyst Indication When the sebaceous cyst is not infected, it should be surgically removed. Preoperative preparation The skin is shaved and cleaned. Surgical procedure A fusiform incision is made centering on the cyst, and the flap is removed together with the cyst; for example, the cyst is small and can be used as a long incision. After incision of the subcutaneous tissue, use a tissue forceps to flip one end flap, gently lift the mass, and then use tissue scissors (or hemostats) to separate along the edge of the cyst to completely free; the fibrous strip at the bottom of the cyst, with hemostat Clamping, ligation after ligation, can completely remove the cyst. After the wound was rinsed and hemostasis, the incision was layered and sutured, and the dressing was slightly pressurized.

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